Monday, May 25, 2020
Hexapods Are a Diverse Group of Six-Legged Arthropods
Hexapods are a group of arthropods that include more than one million described, species, most of which are insects, but a handful of which belong to the lesser-known group Entognatha. In terms of the sheer number of species, no other family of animals comes close to the hexapods; these six-legged arthropods are, in fact, over twice as diverse as all other vertebrate and invertebrate animals combined. Most hexapods are terrestrial animals, but there are some exceptions to this rule. Some species live in aquatic freshwater habitats such as lakes, wetlands, and rivers, while others inhabit coastal marine waters. Hexapods Avoid Sub-Tidal Marine Areas The only habitats that hexapods avoid are sub-tidal marine areas, such as oceans and shallow seas. The success of hexapods in colonizing land can be attributed to their body plan (especially the strong cuticles covering their bodies that provide protection from predators, infection and water loss), as well as their flying skills. Another successful attribute of hexapods is their holometabolous development, a mouthful of a term which means that juvenile and adult hexapods of the same species are very different in their ecological requirements, immature hexapods using different resources (including food sources and habitat features) than the adults of the same species. Hexapods Are Vital But Also Pose Many Threats Hexapods are vital to the communities in which they live; for example, early two-thirds of all flowering plant species rely on hexapods for pollination. Yet hexapods also pose many threats. These small arthropods can inflict vast crop damage and are known to spread numerous debilitating and fatal diseases in humans and other animals. The body of a hexapod is made up of three sections, a head, a thorax, and an abdomen. The head has a pair of compound eyes, a pair of antennae, and numerous mouthparts (such as mandibles, labrum, maxilla, and labium). The Three Segments of Thorax The thorax consists of three segments, the prothorax, the mesothorax, and the metathorax. Each segment of the thorax has a pair of legs, making for six legs in all (the forelegs, the middle legs, and the hind legs). Most adult insects also possess two pairs of wings; the forewings are located on the mesothorax and the hind-wings are attached to the metathorax. Wingless Hexapods Although most adult hexapods have wings, some species are wingless throughout their life cycles or lose their wings after a certain period before adulthood. For example, parasitic insect orders such as lice and fleas no longer have wings (although their ancestors of millions of years ago did have wings). Other groups, such as the Entognatha and Zygentoma, are more primitive than classic insects; not even the ancestors of these animals had wings. Many hexapods have evolved alongside plants in a process known as coevolution. Pollination is one example of a coevolutionary adaptation between plants and pollinators in which both parties benefit. Classification Hexapods are classified within the following taxonomic hierarchy: Animals Invertebrates Arthropods Hexapods Hexapods are divided into the following basic groups: Insects (Insecta) - There are more than one million species of insects that have been identified, and scientists estimate that there may be many millions more species yet to be named. Insects have three pairs of legs, two pairs of wings and compound eyes.Springtails and their relatives (Entognatha) - The mouthparts of springtails, such as the two-pronged bristletails and the proturans (or coneheads), can be retracted within their heads. All entognaths lack wings. Edited on February 10, 2017, by Bob Strauss
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Impact Of Mainstream Media On Today s Audience
Most Americans are informed about current events happening within or outside of the country by listening to news networks on television. News networks do share similarities between one another, but they have some major differences on how they report or cover events. When covering events or topics, new networks tend to be biased. They have always been biased, but never to this extent before. Mainstream media plays a huge influence on today’s audience and influences choices made when it comes to important decision making such as voting for the next President. Most Americans don’t look up important topics and decide who or what to vote for. They get most of their information from mainstream news networks such as CNN, CBS, NBC, and Vice News. Most of these major news networks that I listed show some form of liberal bias. What is liberal bias? How can we document this liberal bias so that we can help others identify it when they see? Could it possibly lead to less people bei ng influenced by extremely bias media coverage so that they understand both sides of a specified topic which could lead them to form their own opinions on the subject? In order to identify liberal bias, we first need to know what it means. According to, liberal bias is â€Å"the partisan selection or distortion of information to support liberal policies†(Conservapedia). Information about a topic can be skewed to match political views or policies by news networks, schools, professors, andShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Media On Society Today911 Words  | 4 PagesAccording to, â€Å"media†is defined as means of communication that reach and influence society or people widely. For instance, radios, televisions, newspapers, and magazines are forms of media. The influence the media has around the globe is profound, therefore, in this essay, I am going to discuss the impact that media has on the society today. Although social media can connect all people in the world instantly, the negative effects have a great impact on the society because it decreasesRead MoreRun DMC and the Commodification of Subcultures998 Words  | 4 Pagescommodification of subcultures and how the style of a subculture can be sold to the mainstream, how does this redefine Hip-hop? Introductory Section: From the socio-economic struggles of 1970s New York, a new kind of subculture emerged with a new style of music known as Hip-hop. The group Run-D.M.C pioneered, to some extent the transformation of Hip-hop from an underground phenomenon to a genre recognised as mainstream and an asoect of pop-culture. Run-D.M.C produced the first rap album to go trippleRead More The Impact of Sex in the Media on Society Essay920 Words  | 4 Pagessay sex on T.V. and in movies influences kids to have sex when they are too young (Clark, Sex, Violence). The influences of the media is felt everywhere and especially in terms of human sexuality. Everything from TV commercials to the newspaper has some form of sex in it, usually to keep the audience interested. In modern society, the changing times as well as media executives wanting more ratings(and therefore money) have lead to teenagers more willing to try sexual acts at a younger age and theRead MoreThe Media Of Media And Communication Studies1363 Words  | 6 PagesCategorizing audiences The study of audience is a pivotal area in media and communication studies. The reason why the question of audience remains at the center of media and communication research is not because it is an essential question of research, but because it is rather a theoretical problematic among scholars over time. For more than a century, among the media and communication researchers and academics the study of media audiences has been a primary concern and contested area at the sameRead MoreThe Social World1413 Words  | 6 Pagesprominent social issue since the early 90’s. It has affected many influential individuals in devastating ways such as that of eating disorders, body image issues and mental illnesses. This essay will explore sociological explanations to understand and draw conclusions on why the sexualisation of culture has and continues to occur today. I will explore feminism and how it has influenced sexualisation of culture today and how pornography has influenced today s pornification problems. One sociologicalRead MoreAn Age Of Inclusion : The Silent Movie Era903 Words  | 4 Pagessilent movies. This time was one of the first, and only for many decades to follow, that truly allowed opportunities for deaf individuals to work with hearing people on equal grounds. It was a time that allowed the Deaf community to participate in mainstream American society’s cultural events by attending movies just as freely and often as hearing people. In essence, the silent movie era was a time for inclusion, acceptance, and equality for deaf people in America. Throughout the course of this paperRead MoreThe Impact Of Internet On Traditional Media1652 Words  | 7 PagesThe Impact of Internet on Traditional Media News Xiaoran Yang Z5047673 ï ¬ Introduction The Internet has become one of the most popular mediums that facilitating a variety of communication and information-sharing tasks from the past decades. Internet has an effect on the use of traditional media news at the same time. The advent of Internet has caused a challenge to traditional mediaRead MoreEssay on Impact of Film and Television: 1950’s to Present803 Words  | 4 PagesImpact of Film and Television: 1950’s to Present Today, Film and Television are among the most internationally supported commodities. Financially, their contributions are enormous: both industries are responsible for the circulation of billions of dollars each year. Since their respective explosions into the new media markets during the mid-twentieth century, film and television have produced consistently growing numbers of viewers and critics alike. Sparking debate over the nature of theirRead MoreSocial Media s Impact On Public Relations1444 Words  | 6 PagesSocial media forums have had a positive impact on the Public Relations industry in the twenty first century. The massive increase in social media usage has provided a medium by which it is easier to connect with a larger audience worldwide. This has resulted in an adoption of social media strategies for many PR specialists. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow these specialists to keep up with the public’s opinions on current events as well as prom ote businesses or products. TheRead MoreConvergence Culture And Social Media1559 Words  | 7 PagesWith the rapid development of media technology, media convergence has become an irreversible development trends. The integration of media not only achieved the harmony in technology, but also deeply influenced human economic activities, social structure and cultural forms. Jenkins called it ‘convergence culture’. This article will take WeChat as an example, and I will divide this into the three aspects: interactivity in convergence culture, convergence of old and new media, structural changes in audience’s
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Existence of God - 1317 Words
The Existence of God For centuries, the idea of God has been a part of mans history. Past and present, there has always been a different integration consisting of the believers and the non-believers of God. The group of those who have faith in God tend to be related to one religion or another. On the other hand, the skeptics find the existence of God somewhat puzzling and try to seek the answers through scientific methods. Even as of today with all the modern technologies and the development of sciences, we still do not have a definitive answer to the question does God exist? Among many philosophers and scholars who have tried to answer this question, we shall look upon Rene Descartes theory on the existence of God.†¦show more content†¦The reasoning behind the justifications made by Descartes is related to free will. Descartes states that the faculty of judgement is not infinite in human beings; human error is not dependent upon God but is rather a mere defect. On the other hand, free will is a freedom to choose which is infinite. Furthermore, he implies that the fact that the boundaries of will extending further than the finite intellect is the very source of human error. From this discussion, it is clear t hat humans do have the capacity to err. Even if we considered that the above statements were true, couldnt we make an argument about why God has created such imbalance between the magnitudes of the will and the intellect? Then this imbalance can be accounted as a defect no matter what the justification may be; moreover, this implies that God did indeed make a mistake by creating a being that has faculties that lack perfection. From this we can derive at the possibility that God may be imperfect, and this is a contradiction to Descartes argument of God as a perfect being. In the Meditation Five, Descartes attempts to prove his hypothesis of the existence of God based on the theory of clarity and distinctness of perception. He begins this theory by mentioning that ideas of certain things which are outside of him have their own truth and natures. These ideas were not fabricated by him, and they have not entered him through the sense experience. Since he knowsShow MoreRelatedThe Existence Of God : God1305 Words  | 6 PagesThe existence of God has been in question for as long as mankind has existed and thought logically. Many questions have plagued the human mind in regards to God, and there have been many arguments drawn with the hopes of proving the existence of a supreme being whom we know as God. The â€Å"God†question has been presented to every individual at some point in their lives. It is a topic that will bring forth never-ending questions and an equal amount of attempted answers. Many philosophers have formulatedRead MoreThe Existence Of God1304 Words  | 6 PagesIn this paper I’m going to argue that there exists only one God who is the most beneficent and the most merciful and that Blackburn’s claim for the existence of evil doesn t prove that there does not exist a God who is all knowing, all good and all powerful. Exposition:(349 words) In chapter five, Blackburn expresses his take on the existence of God. He believes that people with religious beliefs have to be evaluated â€Å"in terms of truth and falsity†. He thinks that that it is just the set of ritualsRead MoreThe Existence Of God s Existence1339 Words  | 6 Pagesidea of God. The existence of God is one of the most sought out topic that is frequently inquired. Is there really a God or is God merely a concept humans created to explain the unexplainable? And if God does exist, what makes him different from the rest of us? A well-known philosopher, St. Thomas Aquinas, introduced five proofs including the Cosmological Arguments of God’s existence, as well as explained some divine qualities that are associated with God. The nature of God’s existence is oftenRead MoreThe Existence Of God2601 Words  | 11 Pagesstatements established about the unseen and natural forces since the beginning of time. It gave rise to questions such as: Do aliens exist? Is there a world of the unseen? Life after Death and the most popular question since the beginning of times, Does God exists? And the answer is ‘yes’. Here is how I will justify my stance. Imagine yourself walking in the middle of a desert, which shows no signs of life regardless of which ever direction your eyes turn to. When, suddenly, you see something reflectingRead MoreGod s Existence Of God936 Words  | 4 PagesNot Be Afraid to Explore More Than One Religion God’s existence sometimes does not exist to certain people. When it comes to the teaching and knowledge about God many people are not aware because they have never been taught about how God appeared on the earth. I choose this topic because I was one of those people who has never really been raised around certain religion nor about the teaching how God came to be. However, I have been taught that God does exist and that his son Jesus are the reason forRead MoreThe Argument On The Existence Of God1629 Words  | 7 PagesThe idea of God has been a part of man’s history for centuries. Since time began there has been various combination of believers, and non-believers. Individuals who believes in God, belong to many different religion. Whereas, skeptics find the existence of God somewhat baffling, and have continually sought answers to His existence through scientific methods. As the world progresses in scientific, and technological advancement, the human race still face s the question of God’s existence. Many philosophersRead MoreAtheism And The Existence Of God Essay1294 Words  | 6 Pagesevident fact that God exists. Whereas some atheists would claim that the theists bear the burden of proof since they are making supernatural claims. In the following essay I will be discussing both opinions on this matter, and perhaps show how the burden of proof lies on both of them and neither of them. I will begin this discussion by defining the recurring terms during the discussion on the existence of God. Traditionally the three attitudes one could hold towards the existence of God are theism, atheismRead MoreEvil And The Existence Of God1147 Words  | 5 PagesThis essay is based on how the problem of evil attacks head on into the existence of god who is all good, all powerful and all knowing. The problem of evil is a wide area that can t be outrun easily. The concept of evil has been problematic to many philosophers. When speaking about evil, we all have the idea that is the absence of good. For some religious people, Evil has been described as a supernatural force, although for others is been described as part of the human nature. Blackburn mainly raiseRead MoreEssay on The Existence Of God908 Words  | 4 PagesPopular Arguments For The Existence Of God The Ontological Argument One of the most important attempts to demonstrate the existence of God is the ontological argument of Saint Anselm, an 11th-century theologian. Anselm’s argument maintains that God, defined as the greatest being that can be conceived, must exist, since a being that does not exist would by virtue of that fact lack an attribute that contributes to its greatness. Critics have questioned, however, whether existence actually contributesRead MoreThe Arguments For The Existence Of God1056 Words  | 5 PagesNovember 2015 Rough Draft for The arguments for the Existence of God. The question Does God Exist? is a well-known asked question in the world. Most people believe they know the answer to it. The religious people would say, well of course he does, while the non-religious people or atheist would say no He does not exist. Because evil exist and chaos exists, God cannot be all-powerful. In the modern world, there are many different opinions as to whether a God exists or not. This has been an issue of great
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Poseidon And Greek Mythology - 729 Words
Today, there are many parts of the world associated with the Greek gods/goddesses and Greek mythology. Poseidon is one of the more familiar gods. Most people may not know all the details of his mythology. Poseidon is the powerful god he is because of his importance to Greek mythology, his family, his traits, and his myths. Poseidon plays an extreme role in Greek mythology. As told, it says, â€Å"He was the Lord and Ruler of the Sea (the Mediterranean) and the Friendly Sea (the Euxine, now the Black Sea). Underground rivers too, were his†(Hamilton 38). He is in charge of huge bodies of water, and what lies beneath them. Also, â€Å"To the ancient Greeks, Poseidon was primarily the god of sea, but he also had roles as the god of water in†¦show more content†¦Poseidon goes by these names because of what he represents. The sea god also has many sacred animals which include the bull, the horse, and the dolphins (Atsma). All gods have symbols to represent them, and Pose idon’s are his trident, the dolphins and the horse. The god was depicted has a very mature man with a sturdy build with a dark beard, holding a trident (Atsma). Poseidon is thought out to be a powerful, looking man to go along with his mighty powers. These are the things that stand for Poseidon to show what kind of god he is. A very big part of Poseidon being a god is the myths. As told in Greek mythology, â€Å"Athena’s becoming the protector of Athens. Poseidon, too, wanted the city, to show how great a benefactor he could be, he struck open the rock of Acropolis with his trident so that water leaped forth from the cleft and subsided into a deep well†(Hamilton 395). Athena then grew an olive tree, the most prized of all the tree is of Greece, and became the protector of Athens. Poseidon was angered and sent a disastrous flood to punish the people (Hamilton 396). This myth portrays the kind of power Poseidon possesses. Also, â€Å"The god helped build the wa lls of the cit Troy, but when King Laomedon refused the payment he had promised, Poseidon sent a sea- monster to ravage the land†(Atsma). Poseidon is an exceptionally powerful god and both of these myths express that power. Poseidon is a wellShow MoreRelatedGreek Gods And Goddesses Of The Odyssey998 Words  | 4 PagesGreek Gods and Goddesses of The Odyssey Everyone all over the world loves to study Greek mythology because it is going to be in their everyday life ; they ´re going to like the history, monsters, and the magic. For many generations, people have been way more excited by the research and the history of the goddesses and gods like Poseidon, Polyphemus, and Tiresias. Poseidon, Tiresias and Polyphemus are all important aspects of Greek mythology because they have endured stories for thousands of yearsRead MoreSpongebob Square Pants has Many Attributes of the Greek Gods Essay872 Words  | 4 Pagessubstance and real human attributes. Characteristics like greed, power, and deception are all recognizable in Greek gods from ancient mythology as well as in Mr. Krabs, King Neptune, and Plankton. Greek gods and the characters of SpongeBob, as unlikely as this may seem, are similar because each person is represented by one core characteristic. The gods Triton, Hades, Koalemos, Poseidon, and Midas would make the perfect dream t eam for the television show SpongeBob Squarepants, playing the rolesRead MoreGreek and Roman Gods 1375 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Mythology is a body of stories told to explain the world and its mysteries,†Doctor Scott A. Leonard explains in his article, â€Å"Mythology†. Before the knowledge to provide scientific reasoning towards the world’s events, people told myths about heroes, gods and goddesses to explain natural events. (Leonard, â€Å"Mythology†). In mythology, most stories are connected and explain another myth, (Stapleton 42). According to the article â€Å"Roman Gods†, the twelve greatest gods and goddess of Rome were parallelRead MoreMajor Greek Gods and Goddesses Essay1153 Words  | 5 PagesUnlike religious gods today, the Greek gods resembled human being in their form and their emotions, and suffered from the same dilemmas humans throughout time have faced. The Greeks believe in many gods and think they are very much like peo ple. They have both supernatural powers and human weaknesses. The gods would fight, play on each other, gets angry or jealous, and steal from each other. The Olympian Gods live atop Mt. Olympus in Greece behind a gate of clouds. They watch the mortals downRead MoreLightning Bolts, Dragons, And Sea Gods1094 Words  | 5 Pagesaspects of the ancient Greek culture and mythology. Because of this avid interest in ancient Greek mythology, people have developed several different theories to explain these ancient myths. These theories range from trying to view myths in a rational way and interpreting them to explain natural occurrences to viewing myths using metaphors and psychology. While no one theory is correct or wrong for that matter, some theories fit certain myths better than others do. The ancient Greeks used many myths toRead MoreSimilarities and Differences between Greek and Roman Gods1010 Words  | 5 Pageslives get their names from? Well the answer could be from Gree k or Roman gods. So many things are indeed named after the gods. Like the car company Mercury or the shoe company Nike. There are many gods in both mythologies but this essay will talk about 12 of them, six gods from Greek mythology and six gods from Roman mythology. Each god will have their own corresponding god from the other mythology. Although they might be from different mythologies in essence they are all very similar. If this is anRead MoreGreek Mythology: Then and Now Essays1575 Words  | 7 Pages icons). (The New Encyclopedia Britannica. Vol. 24)Mythology is a collection of myths meant to explain the universe. Mythological stories were told in many different cultures and civilizations. The existence of myths is known in every society. Many different myths were conceived to explain occurrences that happened in nature. One of these natural occurrences is the solar eclipse. The word eclipse originates from a Greek word meaning abandonment. Ana Ruiz states in â€Å"TheRead MoreGreek Lore Research Paper Outline1082 Words  | 5 Pages Greek Lore Research Paper Outline Folklore is a collection of stories passed down from generation to generation that include Legends, Myths, and Fairy Tales. Legends are traditional stories sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated. Myths are traditional stories, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. Fairy Tales are false stories that is meant toRead MoreGreek Mythology And The Mythology1154 Words  | 5 Pagesand lessons of Greek mythology have shaped art and literature for thousands of years. Later Greek writers and artists used and elaborated upon these sources in their own work. Did you know that in ancient Greece, stories about gods and goddesses and heroes and monsters were an important part of everyday life. They explained everything from rituals to the weather, and they gave meaning to the world people saw around them. Many consumer products get their names from Greek mythology. For example sportsRead MoreOlympian Gods of Greek Mythology1012 Words  | 5 PagesGreek mythology is the myths and legends the ancient Greeks centred their lives around. The ancient Greeks used it to explain the events and components of the world around them. Their religion included gods and heroes, creation stories, and the origins of their civilisations and rituals. It is topic that had been studied and examined in great depth for thousands of years. This fascinating religions messages and influences are reflected in today’s modern society, and many similarities can be found
Ethical Issues Of The Workplace - 2066 Words
Ellen Gibson Dr. Bradfield PHIL 6: Ethical issues in business October 25th, 2016 Introduction and thesis Globalization has led to reduced barriers and smudged out borders between countries. This allows more international manufacturing. As a result, sweatshops has arisen in developing countries, to serve as cheap labor for companies across the world. In many cases, it is cheaper to both produce and ship products from another country than to manufacture them nearby the business s own location. Sweatshops are factories with unfair wages, excessive working hours , poor working conditions, and in some cases, child labor. The existence of sweatshops raises an important question: Is profit more important than morality? Whose responsibility is it to uphold standards of safety and pay? Some people argue that sweatshops are beneficial for both companies and workers. They claim that sweatshops create jobs for people who would otherwise be unemployed. Sweatshops give an opportunity for people to support their families. In this paper, I will argue that the existence of sweatshops are impermissible a nd unethical. To establish my position I will answer arguments that support the existence of sweatshops and explain why those reasons are unethical. Firstly, I will use Tom Morris’s book If Aristotle ran general motors to suggest a rule that we should guide our behavior after. This rule will lead me into Rawls s theory of justice and how this idea applies to sweatshops. Secondly , I willShow MoreRelatedEthical Issues Of The Workplace1494 Words  | 6 Pages Ethical Issues in the Workplace Student’s Name Task 1 Helen is facing a big problem and challenge as well. This ethical concern can be termed as a challenge rather than a problem since it has not taken a side that can be considered as a problem. The challenge is evident and if the alteration of the financial statement to suit the demands of the customers. In the case Helen changes the document then she will have gone against accounting ethical codes. If she fails to adjust the financialRead MoreLegal and Ethical Issues in the Workplace1988 Words  | 8 PagesLegal and Ethical Issues in the Workplace Barbara Pritchard BUS 670: Legal Environment Professor Gary Gentry July 15, 2013 LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN THE WORKPLACE Abstract In society today the business world presents many ethical issues. Organizations must strive to provide employees with a clear understanding of the overall company’s vision. This will help employers in practicing the code of ethics, policies and procedures in the workplace. Companies must be steady in continuously deliveringRead MoreEthical Issues Within The Workplace1302 Words  | 6 PagesThe purpose of this paper is to discuss ethical concerns in the workplace. Also, to explain how the ethical concerns are handled, managed and eliminated. My intent is to address the issues within the framework we studied during the course of the ethical theories (Relativism, Utilitarianism, Virtue Ethics, etc.) and compare the situation in which it is handled to such theories. The events will be analyzed within the context of one or more of the ethical approaches we have also studied, such asRead MoreEthical Issues Within The Workplace1375 Words  | 6 Pagesthe goals and objecti ves of the company (Nike, 2015). Ethical Issues All establishments in today’s society are continually confronted with ethical quandary inside the organization. Ethical encounters ascend in businesses when a circumstance individually alternates choice or performance in undesirability because of potentially harmful ethical significances. Right and wrong is not clearly identifiable in the state of affairs. The ethical encounters of the sweatshop disagreement that competeRead MoreEthical and Other Legal Issues in the Workplace3357 Words  | 13 Pagesï » ¿ Legal Analysis 10 Introduction Many reports and lawsuits have been registered related to ethical and other legal issues in the workplace. Sexual harassment is one of the most registered lawsuits in the courts over the past several years. The news of this ethical issue is common in multi-national companies, political institutes, schools and colleges as well as military institutes. Because of this, many bright professionals have lost their careers; a huge amount of cash has been paid in legalRead MoreWorkplace Related Legal And Ethical Issues1383 Words  | 6 PagesWeek 5 Assignment: Workplace Related Legal and Ethical Issues Due Day 7 of Week 5 Write a four to five page paper addressing how your chosen work-related issue/problem from the week two discussion is addressed by your state Board of Nursing (BON) and other professional nursing organizations. Use the following guidelines and evaluation criteria.Include level-one APA headings in your paper using the section headings below. Use a minimum of five references from the professional nursing literature inRead MoreEthical and Legal Issues at the Workplace: A Case Study1053 Words  | 4 Pagesone could frame the ethical issue in this case. The first is whether private Internet surfing on company time is unethical, the second is whether surfing pornography specifically is an ethical issue. Surfing in general is strictly an ethical issue, depending on what the companys specific policy is. Surfing pornography is also a legal issue, as such activity could constitute a hostile work environment (as in Gallagher v. C.H. Robinson Worldwide). There are two key ethical issues at w ork in this caseRead MoreLegal or Ethical Issues in the Workplace: The Lecherous Boss3081 Words  | 12 Pagesï » ¿Legal or Ethical Issues in the Workplace: The Lecherous Boss The workplace is a microcosm of society as a whole. Therefore, one has to anticipate that one will encounter legal and ethical issues in the workplace, just as one encounters legal and ethical issues in the world in general. Of course, not all of these problems will be significant, while others will be significant. The difficulty for the employee is determining what ethical and legal issues are critical, which ones are less importantRead MoreThe Workplace And The Ethical Issues Of The Civil Rights Act Of 1964 Essay1504 Words  | 7 PagesReligion in the workplace can introduce some of the most challenging concerns employers have to tackle. Solving these issues involves an understanding of the law as well as attempting to balance the business s needs with an employee s desire to practice his or her religion. One of the most controversial conflicts when dealing with religion in the workplace is between an employee s desire to take time off to acknowledge religious days or holidays a nd the potential reduction in productivity andRead MoreEthical Issues in Management Essay1199 Words  | 5 PagesEthical Issues in Management Charles Hall Axia Student Diversity in the workplace refers to the stark contrast of individuals within the same work environment. Many moral and ethical issues are faced by managers every day concerning diversity. Social Issues and ethically responsible management practices relate to workplace diversity in simple but important ways. Ethically it is irresponsible for managers to manage diversity in the workplace by acting insensitively towards employees. There are
The Mongoose free essay sample
The Mongoose is a small meat eating animals with very sleek bodies. The mongoose is a species of small carnivores from southern Eurasia and mainland Africa. There are 33 different species of the mongoose. The Mongoose can be found in abundance I South Asia and Africa. The body of the mongoose is weasel like, and has a long body and face. The ears on mongoose are very small and rounded. They have claws that always remain showing and can never be drawn back. Some species of the mongoose are nocturnal while some come out during the day and night. The Mongoose was introduced to the Western hemisphere in the latter half of the 19 century to cure the solution of rodent purposes. This would continue to be its main use to solve the solution of any unwanted species on native communities. Also a main use of the mongoose was to check the holes of snakes and rodents to make sure they were safe and also to flush these creatures out. We will write a custom essay sample on The Mongoose or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Mongoose was credited for many wipe outs of certain species in the early days of setting up colonies on the Virgin Islands and Hawaii. They were introduced to the world to kill rats and snakes mainly The diet of the mongoose is quite simple. They consume small rodents, reptiles, and young birds. They also sometimes include fruit and other foods in their diet. The Dwarf mongoose manly feed on insects, termites, beetles, grubs, larva and spiders. When the mongoose forages they keep in contact with short chirrup calls. The mongoose uses a lot of vocalizations to keep in contact. In Hawaii, the mongoose is now being known as the Maui menace. It seems there the mongoose is no longer justifying its good uses of keeping rodents and snakes away. Mongooses do kill rats, but not the numbers needed to justify their use. Also in Hawaii the mongoose in certain parts and played a vital role on wiping out the population of birds. It certain towns and cities you will wonder why there is a lack of birds and the fingers are being pointed to the mongoose. The mongoose is on the hunt for the eggs as a source of food. They also pray on adult Hawaiian birds and well as turtle eggs. The bird of choice for the mongoose is the Hawaiian state bird, the Nene also known as the Hawaiian goose. The mongoose has been proven even harder to get rid of then the very species, the rat, it is in existence to eliminate. The reason why is because the mongoose is a much smarter animal, and has better agility skills . The IUNC has listed the mongoose as one of the top worst invasive species , not to mention causing over 50 million dollars in damages each year in Puerto Rico and the Hawaiian Islands alone . Some people wonder the total damages that the mongoose has caused that you cannot put a dollar amount on. Meaning the species the mongoose has wiped out that it was no suppose to. An example in Japan a hotel was offering a free nights stay for anyone who would bring in a dead mongoose. The problem the mongoose is causing is very real and worldwide. The job that they were made for is no longer being done but they are taking out whatever they can get their hands on. Overall I feel that the mongoose was made and used for a very good cause. At this point it seems that the species has got out of hand. I don’t know what can be done to wipe them out or control them. I think the best bet is to have people start to hunt them as well as continue to use all resources available to contain the mongoose and stop them from wiping out anymore species then they already have .
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Care †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and Care. Answer: Early childhood education is significant for every country and the government needs to give more focus on early childhood education (Davis Elliott, 2017). In Australia, early childhood education got progress in year 2008. However, Australian government has taken necessary steps to enhance the early childhood education in their country. As per Australian government policy, early childhood education is crucial for every child. In Australia, as per the government rule, good quality education is delivered to children by high qualified teachers in school (Arthur et al., 2017). Public, private and community-based pre-schools are developed to enhance the early childhood education. The major aim of this policy is to restructure the pre-school in Australia (Logan, Sumsion Press, 2015). This study deals with the role of Australian state and territory approaches to enhance early childhood education program. Australian state approaches include various documentations for early childhood education. In order to admit a child in a pre-school birth certificate is required. On the other hand, the teachers should have graduation degree to apply for the teaching post in pre-school. Australian State Government developed EYLF or early years learning framework (Bowes Grace, 2014). According to this framework, many teachers are recruited for a pre-school program who have knowledge of different languages. There is a scope of 12 languages in early childhood program as per Australian sate documentation program in early childhood. Apart from these, the documentation of state approach in Australia includes a method, which leads children to actively engage in their study (Smith, Tesar Myers, 2016). Therefore, consistency of approach from all educators is required. The documentation includes evidence regarding the decision-making of children about their own development and learning program. There is a big debate about the availability of time for completion of documentation I children education and the time spent with children (, 2018). As per Australian territory approach, the educators often go to children's home to complete the documentation process within their paid shift time. Therefore, the childhood educator should be sophisticated and have diverse skills in order to work with the children. However, due to low pay scale, it is not possible for the educators to go to children's home for documentation program. In Australian territory approaches it has been found that legislation and framework are generated for the documentation of Childrens learning in Australia. The professional standard council is associated to define a profession. However, the professionals should have special knowledge and skills to provide education at early childhood. Establishment of Australian Childrens Education and Care Quality Authority or ACECQA shows that the educators should be reflective while providing education to children. Meaningful documentation is shared with children's families as it will help them to make a future planning for their children. Principles of EYLF and FSAC are included in this documentation process (, 2018). On the other hand, the progress report of the children is included in this documentation process, which highlights the development of children in their early childhood program. From the above analysis, it can be said that Australian territory approaches are useful for documentation of early childhood documentation in comparison to state approaches. Australian State based educational system introduced a national school curriculum. As per this curriculum, a restructure has developed in the pre-school program. However, the health check is mandatory for the children during their school program. This is a good initiative for the children in pre-school education. Victoria department of human service has taken parenting strategy to improve the learning of parents as it will help the children to enhance their knowledge at early childhood education (, 2018). The aim of this approach is to meet the educational needs of the children those are vulnerable. Establishment of play-based learning is another vital area of state approach in early childhood education. According to Early Years, Learning Framework play-based learning is an important tool to enhance the early-childhood education (, 2018). This enables the children to refresh their mind and to involve in education in a proper way. Learn ing through the play allows children to make a sense regarding their social world. As a result, children can actively take part with people and objects in society. Play-based learning is beneficial for the children to develop their brain (, 2018). Based on this approach the educators also need to create a physical environment for children to enhance their play. Australia Children's education and care quality commission have taken continuous improvement process to enhance the early childhood education process. This framework ensures the consistency of delivery of education among the children. Australian Early Development census includes survey technique through which they can identify how many children are involved in full-time education (Smith, Tesar Myers, 2016). Australian State approach includes early childhood and child care policy, which is beneficial for children to get care process during early childhood education. On the other hand, as per early years learning framework, the description of practices and principles is undertaken, which enhances and supports the learning process of young children from their birth to five years. Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework focuses on the learning process of children from birth to eight years. This framework includes a broad range of professionals to provide education in school and early childhood settings. Apart from this such framework also supports the health activity of children, family involvement and childhood intervention (, 2018). Development of this framework is an effective state approach as well as planning for early childhood education in Australia. This framework allows the professionals to work with children in an effective manner. Therefore, the professionals in early childhood education should encourage the families to involve in an educational program. Hence, the professionals provide a valuable guide to children's family, which allows them to support their children in their education. Children are categorized under this framework from their birth to first eight years. This framework provides a guiding principle and shared a language to gain the best outcome in childrens early childhood education. Another effect of such learning framework is to review the current policies and practices regarding the childhood education program. This is helpful to identify the necessary supports to enhance the learning process of children. Victoria is the education state in Australia has a record of investing $2021 million in an early childhood education program. The main focus of Victoria government is to give the best life to children at their early stage of life. Introduction of Early Childhood Reform plan highlights the vision of Victoria government. As per this plan children who need most will get the maximum support from the government to increase their educational program. This initiative is valuable to generate a more equitable as well as inclusive early childhood education system in Australia. This plan provides $108.4 million to kindergarten to deliver the high quality educational program to children (, 2018). Therefore, $5.4 million help is given to Koorie families to enhance their childrens learning and development program. Besides the state approaches Northern Territory Branch has taken a major initiative to enhance early childhood education in Australia. Establishment of Northern Territory Inclusion Agency or NT-IA was an effective approach, which contributes more to developing learning program for children (, 2018). This agency involves in identifying social justice, quality, equity and other issues regarding the education and childcare. Children can get support from this agency from their birth to first eight years of education. This branch communicates with parents, schools, government, and community on behalf of children. This agency is involved in generating high standard practice in early childhood sectors. They also reflect on government policy to improve the learning process of children. However, the Northern Territory Branch inclusion support agency. This agency operates in 67 regions to deliver early childhood education and care along with practical support. This agency ge nerates a quality inclusive environment for children with additional needs. This eradicates all barriers from the educational system and influences the children to participate in an early childhood education program. The purpose of this agency is to generate high-quality care for children during their education. They focus on the development of discrimination-free environment in children's learning process. Based on the above analysis between the state and territory approaches of early childhood program it has been received that Victorian government has a great contribution in early childhood learning, however, the inclusive education by Northern territory inclusion was more effective than state approach. However, both approaches are beneficial for children and both enhance the learning program for children. Establishment of early childhood reform plan is a major initiative for children to increase their learning program by providing huge financial support to children. On the other hand, the inclusive educational program by NT removes all barrier of early childhood education. State approaches provide support for all children in their educational program while NT includes special initiatives for the children those are disabled. This is a major positive outcome of Australian Territory approaches (, 2018). Hence, it can be evaluated that both state and territory approach es are significant to enhance the learning process of children in Australia and both have specific importance in early childhood education program. This analysis highlights the advantages of territory and state policies in enhancing the early childhood education plan. The territory and state government approaches are useful to assess the learning process of Australia in early childhood program. However, assessment is done by evaluating the current policies and practices in Australia. NT evaluates the major practices in Australia, which is helpful to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of Australian polices in childhood education program (Bowes Grace, 2014). Assessment can be done by analyzing the major skill of educators. As per the assessment, it has been revealed that the educators of early childhood program need to gain knowledge of different language. This will be beneficial for children to enhance early childhood setting. As per the United Nations Conventions and Rights of the Child 1989 and National Quality Framework it is crucial to protect the right of children by providing them proper education (, 2018). In order to provide value to children high-quality pedagogy based on the children's ability is important. However, a reflection of children's right refers to a need for reflection on pedagogy. The development of the children depends on how the educator teaches them. Pedagogy refers to the method of teaching children. It is important for educators to identify the best learning process to teach a child. For this purpose, culturally competent educators are required to teach the children. The educators should show responsiveness to childrens right while teaching them. This is an effective method to teach the children. Australian government focuses on curriculum decision-making process, which covers all interactions, routines, and activities in a learning process. Providing a reach environment that means an environment, which is full of wonder is essential to enhance the learning process for children. Development of such learning environment is an essential step of Australian government in a pre-school learning process. Therefore, the state pedagogical approach includes flexible routine in a learning process, which support both play and learning. As per the above analysis, it has been discussed previously that play-based learning is a useful approach for children to enhance their early childhood education (, 2018). Introduction of inclusive and dynamic learning environment is one of the major pedagogical approaches of Australian territory learning process (Bowes Grace, 2014). This approach offers a constructive environment for early-childhood education. On the other hand, intentional teaching is another pedagogical approach of Australian territory. In this method, learning is carried by facing challenging experience. Based on the State and Australian Territory pedagogical approach it has been found that each method has a specific contribution to early childhood learning as every method focuses on a specific area of the learning process. The above piece of work reveals Australian State and Territory approach in the context of early childhood education. It has been received from the above analysis that state and territory approaches have a specific role in enhancing the child learning process. On the other hand, introduction of play-based learning is an important part of Australian state early childhood education. Therefore, early childhood reform plan is an effective initiative of Australian state approach. Therefore, Australian territory approach includes inclusive education, which reduces any learning barrier by focusing on educational need of children. Different states of Australia have some similar and different methods that are followed to enhance the early childhood education. As for example, South Australia focuses on play-based learning approach system. Hence, the government of this State influences the per-schools to incorporate play-based learning system in their education. On the other hand, Northern Territory includes inclusive education process by involving parents in this system. Apart from these Western Australia, Queensland and Victoria State are involved in developing early childhood care with education (, 2018). In Sydney this pedagogical approach is also followed. Based on the above comparisons of different states in Australia it can be said that Northern Territory has an unique early childhood education in comparison to other states of Australia. On the other hand, each state government of Australia has taken major initiative to enhance the childhood education in this country. References (2018).Early childhood policy. Retrieved 19 March 2018, from Arthur, L., Beecher, B., Death, E., Dockett, S., Farmer, S. (2017).Programming and Planning in Early Childhood Settings with Student Resource Access 12 Months. Cengage AU. (2018). Early childhood. Retrieved 19 March 2018, from Bowes, J., Grace, R. (2014). 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