Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Negative Effects of Music Videos on our Children Essay Example
The Negative Effects of Music Videos on our Children Essay Abstract: Several studies indicate a correlation between music videos and violent behavior of adolescents. The findings also show a connection between the imagery displayed in the videos and inappropriate sexual attitudes and conduct. The lyrics tend to have a significant corrupting influence on the youth. Particular genres such as hip-hop, gangsta rap and heavy metal are found to be more damaging to children than the rest. The racial attitudes and interpersonal relations of teenagers can be influenced by the music they watch. Introduction: Music Videos have defined contemporary culture the last 50 years. The mass appeal of the art form brings with it both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, it inspires, entertains and stimulates, while on the flip side it can inculcate unsavory behaviors and attitude among the youth. The young viewer must show caution in choosing the beneficial ones from the lot. We will write a custom essay sample on The Negative Effects of Music Videos on our Children specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Negative Effects of Music Videos on our Children specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Negative Effects of Music Videos on our Children specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The majority of music video fans are teenagers and young adults, who are at an impressionable period of their lives. The youngsters can turn out to be anti-social if they idolize their attractive music stars, whose life-style is regarded as â€Å"extreme†and â€Å"on the edge†. To be fair, most role models are beneficial. The youth need a little bit of discretion in ignoring that minority of â€Å"stars†, who are more notorious than famous. If such discretion is not exercised the anti-social behavior exhibited by the stars tends to get treated as the norm, which can have severe consequences in the personal lives of the followers. The violence acted out will be perceived as heroic. What is required is a more realistic portrayal of violence, which will show how ugly and undesirable aggression is and will serve to thwart similar behavior in the viewers. Music is an essential part of growing up and helps shape one’s personality. Unfortunately, this aspect has been used by television networks to manipulate the youth into believing certain cultural and gender stereotypes. Violence and the Music Video: The later part of the 20th century had seen a disturbing development. The greatest threat to the health of American adolescents in recent decades is violence induced injuries and death. During the 1990’s, nearly 70% of all teenage deaths are a result of violence – accidents, manslaughter, homicides, etc. In 1994 in particular 357,000 teenagers were assaulted badly enough so as to require emergency medical treatment. A further 3569 of them eventually succumbed to their injuries. Adding to the alarm, the number of juvenile arrests for violent crimes during the year was recorded at 150,000 that included 6000 rapes and 85,300 aggravated assaults. The years following 1994 had seen similar statistics. Research also reveals a strong correlation between previous exposure to violence and aggressive behaviors in adolescents. It is in this context that the relation between violence and the music video scrutinized. (Rich, Woods, et. al. 1998) A big chunk of adolescent television viewing is taken by music videos and there is a reason – it captures the young viewer’s attention by powerfully engaging their emotions. For example, teenagers form nearly three fourths of MTV viewer-ship and they spend, on average, 6 hrs a week watching the channel. As much as 22% of the programming contained depictions of violence. Of these videos 63% of the violent acts are performed by young adults. This strong relation between media violence and real-life violence raises some serious concerns about the effects they have on the perceptions of adolescents as to what is normally safe and how to secure it. (Rich, Woods, et. al. 1998) Effects on Interpersonal Relations: Music has long been associated romantic love – an elevating feeling no doubt. But alongside the agreeable, there has also been a steady output of music with questionable effects on male-female relationships. Teenagers’ approach to conflict resolution is potentially vulnerable to the impact of music video depictions. Taking this threat into account, The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association, among other medical organizations, have started advising health care professionals to inform their patients that media exposure is a risk factor for general well-being. (Rich, Woods, et. al. 1998) If the sheer volume of violence in music videos is not bad enough the manner in which it is portrayed undermines interpersonal relationships and hence regarded as critical factors in children’s health and risk behaviors. In trying to address this issue, the counselors, school authorities and the public representatives must also take into account â€Å"the potent messages and role models in music videos and other mass media.†(Rich, Woods, et. al. 1998) Threat Posed by the Lyrics: The song lyric has been an important medium of thought for centuries. The lyric is also a simpler of poetry, with its own aesthetic appeal. Its simplicity and unique aesthetic appeal had easily enabled it to enter the public discourse – and one has to admit that the world is better for it. And as with any art form, the music lyric had also evolved over the years. An issue of concern for parents and pediatricians like is that of drastic changes manifest in song lyrics over the last 40 years. There is no doubt that they have become more explicit, especially with regard to sex and drugs. One genre that is of great concern is the â€Å"gangsta rap†, which can have a corrupting influence on the young and impressionable. (Pediatrics 1996) â€Å"Such lyrics are of special concern in today’s environment, which poses unprecedented threats to the health and well-being of adolescents. Pregnancy, drug use, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (and other sexually transmitted diseases), injuries, homicide, and suicide have all become part of the landscape of everyday life for many American teens.†(Pediatrics 1996) The Effects on Sexual Behavior: The formats of music videos are universally popular among children and young adults. When the lyrics are run as subtitles in the videos, their impact is increased manifold. Even if they don’t understand or recognize the lyrics, they cannot avoid the associations therein, both implicit and explicit. Moreover, the videos are self-reinforcing – the mind automatically does a flash-back to the video just at a mere hint of the song tune ever after. The music video is thus a powerful psychological tool. Unfortunately, the format had now become a breeding ground for sexism, substance abuse and risky sexual behavior. (Pediatrics 1996) Studies indicate that up to 75% of concept music videos, which have a certain theme, contain sexually suggestive material. More than half of them also contain violent acts committed against women. Women were sometimes portrayed in a derogatory manner. The use of alcohol and tobacco were projected as glamorous and fashionable. All of this is bound to lead teenage viewers to dire consequences. (Pediatrics 1996) â€Å"A handful of experimental studies indicate that music videos may have a significant behavioral impact by desensitizing viewers to violence and by making teenagers more likely to approve of premarital sex. In one study, eliminating access to MTV decreased the frequency of violent acts among teenagers and young adults in a locked treatment facility.†(Pediatrics 1996) The Offending Genres: Of late, hip-hop has captured the imagination of listeners. Hip-hop is an unconventional music form that requires a lot of originality and talent on part of the performers. The current popularity of hip-hop is a welcome addition to the rich body of music. But a note of caution – studies indicate that adolescents who listen to hip hop and rap are more likely to drug addiction and aggressive behavior than those who listen to other genres such as country, folk or western. The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism made another study which showed similar results – youngsters who watch music with references to drugs and violence also tend to do drugs and have behavioral problems themselves. Other music genres of concern are reggae and techno, whose listeners were found to be susceptible to alcohol and substance abuse. When compared to other genres, â€Å"rap music was consistently and positively associated with use of alcohol, malt-liquor, potential alcohol-use disorder, marijuana, club drugs, and aggressive behaviors.†(Brown University Letter 2006) In light of these facts, the contemporary youth should add a little caution to their musical enjoyment. Most teenagers think of their favorite songs as about innocuous and acceptable themes. But, a significant few display a radical attitude toward their music. Studies have shown that a preference for heavy metal music has strong implications for â€Å"alienation, substance abuse, psychiatric disorders, suicide risk, sex-role stereotyping, or risk-taking behaviors during adolescence.†(Pediatrics 1996)
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Group Cmmunication
â€Å"Group Theory and Group Practice†Group theory is defined as scholar’s studies/ interpretations of group communication. Group practice is defined as ones participation and activities in a particular group. Both of these involve one central component which is group communication. A good leader must ensure effective communication amongst members promoting proper message exchange and information flow while discouraging group discord that would result in group failure and collapse. One of the largest issue issues in today’s society is effective leadership. Everyone knows that they want to be in charge and lead the group, but who knows what being an actual effective leader involves? Without good communication the flow of information among members is deterred and messages do not get across. It is critical that a good leader displays the ability to communicate with their associates as well as their subordinates in an effective manner. They must also be able to train as well as encourage others to follow in their footsteps when it comes to effective communication. An effective leader must be able to cope with all types of challenges when it comes to effective communication. One of the more prominent challenges that are arising is diversity. Cultural differences such as customs and beliefs are some of the challenges that leaders have to deal with. A good leader will be able to embrace these differences rather than allow them to become a handicap. Promoting the cultural differences and allowing elaboration on some projects that deal specifically with the cultural differences might be one way to cope with the challenge. Another challenge that is present is dealing with preconceived notions of certain types of people. It is imperative that leaders treat their associates and co-workers with the same respect and regard. There must e an equal amount of effort being put into everyone, irregardless of the preconceived notions that e... Free Essays on Group Cmmunication Free Essays on Group Cmmunication â€Å"Group Theory and Group Practice†Group theory is defined as scholar’s studies/ interpretations of group communication. Group practice is defined as ones participation and activities in a particular group. Both of these involve one central component which is group communication. A good leader must ensure effective communication amongst members promoting proper message exchange and information flow while discouraging group discord that would result in group failure and collapse. One of the largest issue issues in today’s society is effective leadership. Everyone knows that they want to be in charge and lead the group, but who knows what being an actual effective leader involves? Without good communication the flow of information among members is deterred and messages do not get across. It is critical that a good leader displays the ability to communicate with their associates as well as their subordinates in an effective manner. They must also be able to train as well as encourage others to follow in their footsteps when it comes to effective communication. An effective leader must be able to cope with all types of challenges when it comes to effective communication. One of the more prominent challenges that are arising is diversity. Cultural differences such as customs and beliefs are some of the challenges that leaders have to deal with. A good leader will be able to embrace these differences rather than allow them to become a handicap. Promoting the cultural differences and allowing elaboration on some projects that deal specifically with the cultural differences might be one way to cope with the challenge. Another challenge that is present is dealing with preconceived notions of certain types of people. It is imperative that leaders treat their associates and co-workers with the same respect and regard. There must e an equal amount of effort being put into everyone, irregardless of the preconceived notions that e...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Illegal Immigration - For illegal immigration for America Research Paper
Illegal Immigration - For illegal immigration for America - Research Paper Example It also includes the existing laws being implemented to combat this long-term issue that has conquered America by storm. It will also document the reasons as to why the US immigration policies failed as evidenced by the increasing number of illegal immigrants from all over the world. The role of government is given an emphasis to come- up with domestic policies to ensure that security and anti-terrorism concerns of the country are dealt with by law. Lastly, it will also provide the worldwide effect of immigration in the US and the participation of the other nations on how to prevent their citizens from entering the US without legal documentation. Keywords: illegal immigration, immigration laws, amnesty, legalization, illegal immigrants. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION IN AMERICA Since time immemorial America has been considered the land of â€Å"milk and honey†for millions of people from all across the world. Most of the citizens from poor countries aim to reach America as their end dest ination thinking that this is the place where there is more than enough for everything. It has been perceived as the land of abundance, wealth and endless opportunities. The ultimate goal of the illegal immigrants is to enter US and land a job which will earn them a substantial income to support their families in their country of origin. However, at present time, we all know that America has been experiencing economic recession and even its countrymen were not spared of this crisis, as many became unemployed, homeless and suffered financial distress. Dubbed as the â€Å"nation of nations†, Lemay (2009, p. xv) has reported that the United States has absorbed immigrants from 170 countries across the globe. It has been the home of almost 70 million legal immigrants and experienced the influx of an estimated 11 million of illegal immigrants. The unauthorized flow of illegal immigrants entering the America is caused by inefficiencies of the immigration system of the US government to enact stricter laws and policies to address the current problems. History Ngai (2007, p.2) has reported that as early as 1920’s, the unauthorized entry has become the most common form of illegal immigration which has been condemned by both the state and the society. These unauthorized immigrants may either be welcome or unwelcomed by the US. They became in demand by the economic sector as their labor is cheap and replaceable. In the middle decades of the 20th century, they were only billeted in the western and southwestern agriculture. But at present, illegal immigrants have evolved and can be found in almost every region in the United States. Based on the records, the United States documented the number of immigrants who earned the status of authorized immigrants. â€Å"An approximate of 70 million of them forms part of the legal immigrants, but as history would tell us, the flow of unauthorized entrants likewise increased. According to LeMay (2007 p.1), the heavy traffi c of these illegal immigrants commenced after 1970, and the massive volume was recorded at present time. Today, there is an estimate of 10.5 to 11 million illegal immigrants living in the US. The Evolution of US Immigration Laws In the study made by Kenney (2009, pp. 21-23), she highlighted the significant immigration laws: The Immigration and International Act of 1965 was the law which set the limit on the immigrants coming from the Western Hemisphere, including Mexico. It set a limit of 20,000
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The role of Design and Technology in the curriculum Essay
The role of Design and Technology in the curriculum - Essay Example This model has spread to other countries like Australia, America, South Africa, and many more. The module for this subject is broken into segments according to the age of the pupils. This subject has historically developed along the development of UK schools curriculum. The program had been implemented in the curriculum since the enactment of the Education Reform Act of 19898 which saw the government gain more control of what is taught in the curriculum. This was aimed at ensuring the education system became more focused ton the needs of the society and that it produced competent individual who could address these needs by the society. It has slowly been integrated in the curriculum to address the changing need in the technology world as well as the changing needs of educations in order to respond with the demands in the society. At all levels of development, design and technology has responded to various changes that had to be made in the curriculum in order to fit the changing the world. The aim of any education curriculum should be to prepare the student for their later life not only in what they learn but also in other matters of life affecting them. This is usually achieved by integration of different spheres of education in one curriculum in order to address the different spheres of life. The British National Curriculum has been designed to address these various spheres for human development. Growth in technology is currently one of the most important spheres of development in the history of humankind development. To address this need, the British Curriculum has integrated various subjects in the curriculum. The subjects that address the technological sphere of human development comprise design and technology. (Department of Education, 1990) The curriculum has been designed to achieve some very needs of an education program. It is designed to meet some basic
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Idea of the Dramatic and Theatrical in the Work of Bernini Research Paper
The Idea of the Dramatic and Theatrical in the Work of Bernini - Research Paper Example Besides the traditional pose intended to be examined of mere external traits, his work extends to be judged at spatial encounter outside of confines embedded on the surface of the structure alone.  Apparently, Bernini’s main concern was with surface and texture and with the conveyance of movement. This objective is further reflected in the creations of â€Å"The Ecstasy of St. Teresa†and the â€Å"Throne of St. Peter†whereby the former is sculpted in such fashion as to portray the most significant event in the life of St. Teresa. The marble sculpture specifically depicts her in a state of spiritual rapture when pierced to the heart by an angel’s fiery spear. Through her autobiography, St. Teresa confesses that the pain she felt at the moment was overly intense that it caused her instead to be overcome with delight and relish sweetness in place of the excruciating strikes. Bernini grants this justice in rendering the structure to be chiseled off into the most refined detail from which to imagine a height of enlightenment possibly reached by St. Teresa as well as the look of solemnity sprawled across her face in a position that indicates utter re moval of consciousness about the physical world. As a scholarly work, â€Å"The Ecstasy of St. Teresa†may be observed to have signified the artist’s regard for an intellectual approach in which spirituality is deeply valued. Bernini could not afford to neglect this aspect as well in â€Å"The Throne of St. Peter†in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. He is known to have utilized a mixture of gilded bronze, gold, wood, and stained glass in this prominent object believed to have been sat on by St. Peter himself.  As a master of radical naturalism, Caravaggio is found to have greatly influenced the Baroque paintings with a unique sense of physical and emotional realism under dramatic technique with lighting which also amply manifests in the style of Georges de La Tour.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Business Plan And Executive Summary For A Gym Business Essay
Business Plan And Executive Summary For A Gym Business Essay Executive Summary The location of the gym will be on a main road with good parking facilities. This will help the gym grow with members as it attracts people because of the location and give people advantages to join the gym with ample parking. There isnt much history about the gym because it is a band new business but the idea came to me about 5 months ago when i wasnt satisfied with what other gyms offered to customers. The business is situated in the retail sector because it provides gym equipment to people who dont have room at their houses or they cannot afford all the equipment themselves. The Prime function of the business is to provide gym equipment to people as well as help them achieve their fitness goals. The gym offers a wide range of products and equipment starting from bags, drinks and clothing to dumbells, treadmills and benches. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 269) Purpose of the Plan There can be many purposes for a business plan. The plan should provide a firm with a clear direction for the future and identifies the main goals of the business. / The goals of the gym would be social, financial and environmental goals. The social goals that the gym would like to achieve would be good service to patrons that use the facilities, helping the community through sponsorships of local sporting clubs and helping out schools through conducting sport lessons in the gym. Financial goals that the gym would like achieve would be to increase the owners wealth through increased market share, increased level of cash flow and increased level of liquidity. But increasing wealth is one of the objectives. The other financial objective would be to minimise the wastage of money on items or products that will not help the gym grow and not falling into heavy debt. Environmental goals that the gym would like to achieve would be to use electricity efficiently, install energy efficient appliances, minimise waste and disposing of the waste properly. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 269) v Situational Analysis Internal External ac4 Strengths (lob ortunities †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Good assistance provided by employees Great membership deals Cheap prices Good location r †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Weaknesses Threats †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Not enough employees when business is busy Toilet facilities too small Security Poor Receptionist †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 248) Business Objectives and Strategies The business objectives and strategies section of the business plan outlines what the business aims to achieve, including overall strategic goals. These goals will be based on research from the situational analysis. The Objectives of the Gym are to try and eliminate the weaknesses in the business and make them one of the strengths by working on them with one another and also to improve on strengths and try to make them stronger. Another Objective would be to take every opportunity possible to help the business grow and try to work around keeping threats away from the business. The final Objective would be to improve financial wealth for the owner and to build a good reputation within the community so people feel invited and welcomed when they visit the gym. These objectives can be accomplished through employees and owner working together. This means that employees can help one another with weaknesses and improve on strengths each person has to offer. Also, the owner must be willing to spend money for the improvement of the business. These improvements will include things like renovations when needed, sponsorships and buying extra stock. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 271) Operations Description of the service The technology used will be modern. The use of big televisions near treadmills and cardiovascular equipment will help people enjoy themselves while exercising. Memberships, cash transactions, and general business will be done on computers set up on the front counter and in the main office. This will include eftpos facilities, printers, cash register connected to computer. If possible that all 3 computers be linked so memberships can be done on all 3 computers and make renewals, show current members, on these computers. This will make work more convenient. Equipment and materials required will be based on how big the gym is and how quickly the business grows. Equipment required will be: Medicine balls †¢ Accessories †¢ Boxing Gear Gym flooring †¢ Barbells †¢ Cable Attachments Weight plates †¢ Benches †¢ Dumbells Materials that will be required will be things that are needed for day-to-day operations. These materials are: Filing Cabinets . Noticeboard †¢ Paper Lockers †¢ Shop Fittings . Pens Fridges . Office Furniture †¢ Chairs Supplies that will be used will include: Supplements †¢ Gym Singlets . Membership Packages Gym Equipment †¢ Sports Drinks (Bag, Towel, Bottle) Staff Uniform Staff will need to have a Timetable/Roster to inform them when they are working. This roster will be completed every Saturday. For the Staff that do not work on the weekends or dont have a chance to see the roster, the roster will be emailed to all staff members on the Saturday. This will eliminate the excuse of not knowing when and what time staff are working. The testing and evaluating expenses would be high because of the large amount of equipment needed to start up and also the sophistication of the technology used in the gym. The supplies would cost a bit because of the never ending need for it. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 271) Personnel requirements and skills The gym should recruit staff according to their qualifications and experience. Staff that are recruited should all specialise in a target area which they occupy during their work times at the gym. Examples of this would be some workers may only be on the front counter, working on the computers. Others may be working on cardio and strength exercises. This will keep things running smoothly and be more convenient for patrons to benefit from these people. The staff would be qualified personal trainers with a certificate III and certificate IV in personal training. ersonal trainers have added qualifications in weight loss, strength training and fitness which are an added bonus. The employer should check to see if the possible employee is qualified because in that industry, there are unqualified people calling themselves personal trainers. Training new and present workers on new technology that gets installed into the gym. Things such as new exercise machines and equipment need to be used in the right way to ensure things are safe and that equipment is stored correctly for safety. Employees need to know what the expectations are when it comes to helping patrons and becoming a leader for new/younger employees. Also understanding what working at a gym involves in regards to how you conduct yourself in front of others, coming to work on time etc. Employees should be able to stay motivated and maintain a good standard of work. This will happen if there is a reward system put in place where workers would get rewarded for doing something extra or working longer. This will become an initiative to keep workers working at a high standard, keep patrons happy and ensuring they come back to the gym knowing they are going to get good service. A safe and healthy work environment is essential for workers to be able to work in a comfortable environment where they can feel relaxed and work to their full potential. This should include a workers office where they can sit and relax during lunch breaks, freshen up; keep all their belongings in a locker. This also shows them that you are thinking about how they feel and try to make things the best as possible. Measuring employee performance would come from 3 main places. One of their evaluations,Will come from their work mates. Other evaluations would come from patrons through a short evaluation sheet which is optional to fill out after a worker has completed a training session with them. The last evaluation will come from the manager/boss talking to the worker themselves. This shows how the workers feels and get their honest opinion on how things could be improved around the gym. / Challenges that would be experiences throughout the operations element would be the high costs in setting up the business and the first few periods where business is slow and not so busy. The equipment should be set out properly and this would be hard with a small area to work with. The qualified employees will be a challenge to find because they are already working or they are almost finished studying to become a personal trainer. This becomes costly because you have to offer the people that are already working a better pay per hour or better salary. Training them to work in a gym would be time consuming because it is based on being good around people and having confidence to talk to therm. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 272, http://en.wikipedia,org/wiki/Personal_trainer} C(.5 Marketing Market Analysis The target market the gym would aim at would be a various number of groups of people. One of these groups of people would be people looking to lose weight through proper exercises and having excellent to guide them through their weight loss journey. The other target market would be people looking to train and gain muscle size as well as muscular strength. The other group of people would be woman, men and teens that are looking for good cardio sessions with a qualified trainer. These sessions will be a combination of light weights, treadmills and bikes. The gym will aim to provide these groups of people with the facilities and good environment to exercise in. As the gym grows, it needs to develop new things to attract people. Something that should be done is to invite local schools for their sport time and take them through a cardio session or a weights session depending on what the majority want to do. These activities should be free of charge for the first term, and a small charge for the sessions after the first term. This attracts teens to become a member and in turn, they will tell their mates to become a member. This leads to a quicker growth and a positive outcome on first timers. Competitors are a very influential factor on your business. They are influential because they determine what you charge for your membership fees, visitor fees and for supplies like shirts and supplements. This means not only do your prices have to be competitive, but your products and services that you are offering have to be of high quality. This is because people are willing to pay a little extra for their good or service but know that they are spending that little extra for top quality. If your prices and quality of goods and services are better that your competitors, it ultimately gives you the competitive advantage over them. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 274) Sales Forecasting Sales forecasting is an analysis of a firms sales figures based on individual products, sales representatives, geographic locations, seasonal or annual trends in sales, cash sales or credit card sales. These statistics are used to predict how much profit is going to be made by the firm in the future. It would be hard to create a sales forecast with a newly opened business. This is because the statistics that are provided are short term. Statistics should be at least one year old to show trends in consumer spending. One statistic that can show a future boom in the gym business is the winter season. People tend to join gyms during the winter, work out so their body looks good for the summer seasons. Another figure that is constant is the sale of supplements. These supplements are in constant demand and this is why the sales are always up. One other statistic would be the sale of supplies including towels, bottles, drinks, shirts and singlets. With these statistics and overall plan, business owners will be able to predict when they need to get more supplies, hire or call in more staff, and prepare themselves for the times where business isnt very busy. This would give business owners an advantage because it can help them in deciding how much supply they need, and avoid over-hiring. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 276) Marketing Strategies Marketing strategies will be directed towards achieving specific objectives that support the strategic goals of the business. Some goals may simply be based on increased sales, increased market share, entry into and establishment in a new market area, such as overseas, diversification of the product base and increased profits. Marketing strategies must be consistent throughout the marketing mix and take into consideration product, promotion, price and place. Studies page 278)There are many products and services that the gym offers. The products that the gym offers include gym apparel, bags, bottles and towels. These products are all of high quality and made by Skins USA. The packaging of these products are of high standard. They all come in sealed plastic bags. The size of the bags, bottles and towels are all practical in size. Not too big and not too small. The warranty on the products last for an extended period of time which suggests the quality is high and producers are confident that products are durable. If the product does fail, the gym will happily replace it within reason. Example, the bottle breaks because of misuse. The price of the gyms products and services are all reasonable. The gym memberships are about $70 a month for adults and about $55 for people under the age of 18. This price also includes a free gym bag, towel and bottle when you first sign up. This price beats all other competitors by $10. The products that are offered are priced at $20 for a bag, $10 for a towel and $5 or a bottle. The cheap prices are a result of finding a supplier that has cheap prices on their goods with good quality. / The promotion of the gym plays a crucial part in influencing people to join and become members. The strategy of inviting schools for a couple of free circuit sessions influences young people and also their teachers to join. Advertising through the local newspapers would be a cheap and effective way to bring people to the gym with advertisements about new membership offers or coupons that can be used to enter as a guest for free or a discounted price. Also, sponsoring local sporting clubs bring people of all ages to the gym and also give the business a good reputation for helping young people. The place of distribution of our products would only be at the gym. This is because the products are exclusive to out gym only. The storage of the products would be in storage rooms located within the gyms premises; most likely in the office. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Finance Financial requirements New businesses need have a clear idea of the amount of funds they will need. This could come from debt financing, the original owners equity or a future partners equity. The business plan should provide a breakdown of how these initial or additional funds will be used. The financial requirements needed to support the gym would be very high. The reasons for this would be the start-up costs of the business which includes things like buying the space, renovating and designing interior and exterior, purchases of new gym equipment and the employment of staff. This would be challenging for a sole trader, but with careful financial management the business can run smoothly, begin its establishment phase and not fall into too much debt too quickly./ Once the business has established itself and is on its journey through the growth stage, it must be able to support itself or else liquidity problems will develop. It is important that the gym owner manages the income wisely. This means not spending money on things that wouldnt be useful or not saving up for the times where business might not be as busy as he/she would like. The income made should be spent on the business with things such as maintenance of the equipment, buying more products for new members. This would allow the gym to grow steadily. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 281) Financial Forecasts Planning must relate directly to the prime function of the business. It tells the owners if they can actually afford to produce the product or provide the service. The firm must make financial forecast based on information gained from market and product research. Financial forecasts can be made through one of the following: Forecasted cash flow statements, projected profit and loss statements, recent profit or loss statements if business is already established, projected balance sheet, break even analysis. Forecasted cash flow statements show how much money is needed, when it is needed and where it will come from. Also reflect time frames such as weekly, monthly or quarterly. The gyms forecasted cash flow statement would be based on the sales forecasting. This is because both statistics are based on predictions on future sales. These statements are useful for when the business is close to its establishment phase or into the phase. For a business that is starting up, a personal balance sheet will be the better option. This is because owner will need to be able to keep their personal commitments and still provide enough income for family to live on. The balance sheet will explain how much money the gym is earning, where money is being spent in the gym, bill payments, workers wages, money to purchase supplies, and keep the business running smoothly. This will indicate the stability of the business and calculate its net worth. This will provide future buyers or investors of the business information on risks JClthey would be taking. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 282) / Financial Records Small businesses need to keep accurate financial records for all transactions. They will need to have one of the following: Revenue statements Cash flow statements Balance sheets Funds statements Budgets marketing, operations, employment relations and accounting and finance. For the gym, I have decided to use a balance sheet because it is easier and more convenient due to being a new business. Balance Sheet Projected up to 1 July 2011 Current Assets Cash at bank Accounts Receivable Stock $ $ total 22 000 93 000 77 500 192 500 Non current assets Equipment Motor Vehicles 900 000 70 000 970 000 Intangible Assets Goodwill 20 000 Total assets 1 182 500 Current liabilities Bank overdraft Accounts payable 100 000 50 400 -†¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢. 150 400 Non current liabilities Long term loan 350 000 350 000 Total liabilities 510 400 Owners equity Capital Undistributed profits Drawings 150 000 143 800 121 000 414 800 C938 266 Total liabilities and owners equity Gym Liquidity Current Assets divided by Current Liabilities which substitutes into $192 500 divided by $150 400 which equals 1.28. This means i have one dollar and twenty-eight cents to pay back every dollar of short term debt. It would be preferable if i had a ratio of 2:1 so that my payments dont take up the majority of my revenue. Gym Solvency Total Liabilities divided by total Owners equity which substitutes into $510 400 divided by $414 800 which equals 1.23. This means that for every one dollar of equity it has one dollar .1and twenty-three cents in debt. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 283) Financial Controls In each business, controls need to be set up to provide standards to which the firm can compare itself. Controls allow for corrective action to be taken to keep the business on a successful path. Without controls, a firms ability to achieve success would be questionable. Controls that the business would need to implement would be standards that will need to be met. These standards will be the basis for improvement. One standard would be that when the gym reaches a satisfactory number of members, that figure should be maintained/improved on. Another standard would be the service that staff offers to people using the gym facilities. The staff should always treat people with respect and provide assistance and knowledge to people that are in need or ask for it. e/ c ,ix The major control that the gym will use would be setting a budget. This control is decided by the owner of the gym because they should know how much income and expenditure is coming in and out of the gym. The budget should help the business grow but at the same time, not fall into major debt. The budget for the gym would be constantly changing to meet customer demands but the average budget would be about $5000 a week. (Cambridge Preliminary Business Studies page 283)
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Legal and Ethical Implications for Classroom Management Essay
Today’s classrooms are more dynamic than ever before. Educational needs of students are changing at breakneck speeds, along with the demands being placed on their teachers. There are associated legal and ethical implications that are evolving as rapidly as the technology that is driving a lot of the change. In order to have a chance to meet the needs of students and legal/ethical obligations, educators must have well developed classroom management techniques. These can get tricky quite often and require balancing the increasingly diverse needs of many different people. To be an effective teacher today is extremely difficult for these reasons. This essay will examine some of the current issues that teachers are exposed to in today’s classrooms by summarizing four journal articles and responding to them. The specific issues will be free speech and what it means in a school setting, cell phones in classrooms, bullying (specifically of students with disabilities), and gender specific dress codes. Freedom of Speech The issue addressed in the first article summary is freedom of speech and how it is interpreted in a public school setting in relation to the distribution of religious materials. This is really not a new topic of debate. Current precedents have been set in court cases dating as far back as1969 and the Tinker vs. Desmoines case. In that case, the court decision reads that, in order to prohibit any students’ expression of opinion, the school must provide evidence to support the fact that the actions being suppressed would be significantly disruptive (Essex, 2006). Because it is an issue of ongoing debate there are cases still being heard all over the country. This article is specifically in response to a case in the New York Supreme Court, where a student was prohibited from distributing religious fliers on school property. The question is, why was the student prevented from expressing her opinion in the first place. According to Essex (2006), one of the requirements placed on schools is that they remain viewpoint neutral. This means that if the literature was suppressed because it was religious in nature, the suppression violated her First Amendment rights, even in the school setting. In all court cases, the real message has been that schools are responsible for making sure parents and students are aware that the schools are merely sending messages indiscriminately from religious and non-secular sources and that they are not in support of any of them (Essex, 2006). Really the essence of the article is that sound policies must be in place, well documented, and consistently followed for a school to be able to regulate what a student says or distributes and there must be no endorsement of any particular ideas from any group or student. Cell phones The next topic of discussion is cell phones in classrooms. The article being summarized is entitled The Only Thing We Have to Fear is†¦120 Characters. In this article, Kevin Thomas and Christy McGee (2012) make arguments for the use of cellphones in classrooms in spite of the fact that 69% have banned them. This paper responds to the many reasons for disallowing their use, and then it goes on to highlight some ideas about why cell phones should be used as educational tools. Both sides of the discussion certainly make valid points. If 69% schools have taken students cell phones away, there must be some reasons. Thomas & Mcgee (2012) identified and responded to four commonly offered rationales, including misuse for cheating, replacing Standard English with textese, sexting, and cyberbulling. It seems rather obvious that these are negative side effects of the technology, however there are also positive results that can be attributed to the use of cell phones. Today, they are relatively affordable and powerful miniature computers. When used properly, the possibilities for better use of time are astonishing. According to Thomas and McGee (2012), teachers need to be modeling appropriate behavior with their portable electronic devices and taking advantage of the benefits because the technology is not the cause of the problems. The problems being associated with cell phones all existed in some form, long before modern technology. Thomas Diamates (2010) reports that courts have supported schools in their efforts to ban cell phone use as long as the school follow established procedures. Bullying The third topic has to do with bullying, specifically students with disabilities. These students stand out in the classroom, as they are â€Å"different†and so they are subjects of increased abuse from fellow students (Eckes and Gibbs, 2012). Schools and teachers have an obligation to provide students with disabilities a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (2004). This paper looks at the findings in several court cases to establish what is required of teachers in situations where students with disabilities are being bullied. What this article shows is that there are an increasing number of suits against school where disabled children are being bullied. The interpretation of what is considered an appropriate education, and whether or not the school took proper preventative/disciplinary steps in light of the bullying are the reasons for these suits. The findings of this study provide evidence that the courts will generally side with schools that have taken and documented actions to alleviate the harassment. In Brown vs. Monroe County Board of Education (1999), the Supreme Court ruled that for a school to be liable, it must receive federal funds, it must have been aware of and acted â€Å"deliberately indifferent†to the harassment, and the bullying must have been severe enough to deprive educational opportunity (Eckes and Gibbs, 2012). Basically, schools must make an adequate effort to alleviate the harassment in order to limit their liability, and this has been upheld by the courts in cases like Werth v. Board of Directors (2007), and Biggs v. Board of Education (2002). Dress codes The last article on the list takes a look at how and why public schools can or cannot implement gender based dress codes. Proponents of dress codes list reasons including less distractions, less pressure to dress right, safety, and lower cost to families. Opponents say that dress codes take away students expressive rights, which are already severely limited in school settings. In this particular case, Ceara Sturgis had her picture and name removed from her senior yearbook because she is a lesbian who was more comfortable wearing the school prescribed male outfit. The current question is whether or not this is in violation of her civil liberties. Historically the courts have upheld the rights of schools to implement dress codes with very few exceptions. In Blau v. Fort Thomas Public School District (2005), a father brought suit against the school for violating 1st and 14th amendment rights with their dress code. The court found no violation of rights since â€Å"it is not related to suppression of the content of expression, it furthers a substantial government interest, and it does not burden substantially more speech than is necessary to further that interest†(Dowling-Sender, p. 34, 2005). On the other side of the coin, in United States vs. Virginia (1996), schools were required to show a â€Å"legitimate and important†reason for any gender based restrictions (Smith, 2012). In Ceara’s case, the school is going to have to show that it meets all these criteria, and the outcome has some potentially far reaching consequences. What all this means is that teaching in todays classrooms must be dynamic. Teachers need to be aware of their ever-changing legal and ethical obligations as educators. Decisions must be based on sound judgment and carefully documented observations. Teachers, students, and parents must work together and communicate with each other to create the best possible learning environment for everyone.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Prospects for the Future of Liberal Democracy in Libya
Following the death of the infamous former Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Qaddafi former Libyan leader, a lot of debates and concerns have been raised worldwide about the future of the nation. A range of issues from social, economic, religious and political are being raised and the big question seems to be, what next? After years of authoritarian rule and with the ‘enemy’ finally out of the picture, the Libyan government faces different prospects for its development and in this essay I will be looking at different possibilities for the nation in relation to the promotion of liberal democracy.Currently under a transitional government, Libya stands the chance to embrace change and adopt what may be considered by some as positive western ideals. According to a Freedom house report â€Å"another country that endured decades of brutal misrule, Libya, now has the potential for significant gains thanks to the overthrow of al-Qadhafi. †(Puddington, 2012) Democracy has at no other time in history been knocking at the doors of many political regimes and with voices calling not only from foreigners but also from indigenous citizens it would be very hard to ignore the relevance that democracy plays in our modern day society.Over the past year especially, the world has witnessed many political resistance campaigns; what is now popularly referred to as the Arab Spring has flooded the news very often and one common outcry from these people is the need for change. One might wonder what fuelled this uprising from the people to demand new leadership, in my educate d opinion, decades of authoritarian rule, human rights abuses, oppression on opposition and the inability of people to speak freely amongst others have all led to this desire for change. Before delving into the prospects for democracy in Libya, I feel it will be essential to underline what democracy entails.Robert Dahl in his book ‘On democracy’ lists various desirable features of a dem ocratic society as follows: †¢Control of military and police by elected officials. †¢Democratic beliefs and political culture †¢No strong foreign control hostile to democracy †¢A modern market economy and society †¢Weak subcultural pluralism (Dahl, 2005) Based on this it is fair to say that liberal democracy demands the inclusion of people, it believes in equality and fairness and encourages the notion of two (or many) heads being better than one.However it is also true that democracy is not the only route for stability, in reality â€Å"the highest risk of political crisis lies in the middle ground between authoritarianism and democracy†(Goldstone, 2005) I believe a democratic and representative government can be attainable in Libya despite being broken into various sects for close to fifty years. Both pro and anti Qaddafi forces can push Libya forward but as to whether this will mature fully into a liberal democracy is tricky. The prospects for Lib ya would look bleak especially when considered from the perspective of historical precedents.In the Libyan case, several factors cement this view. To begin with, Libya is a society filled with many different tribes. From what might be considered extreme Islamists, to the more moderate ones, to the presence of Christians and then other religious and secular divisions the presence of diversity in terms of culture or beliefs could either hinder or promote liberal democracy. In other parts of the continent, particularly sub-Saharan Africa, this situation has been witnessed before but â€Å"among the most important lessons to emerge is the importance of avoiding factionalism. (Goldstone, 2005) Take Rwanda for example, where Hutu’s and Tutsi rebels have shed blood over conflicting tribalistic views. In places where there is a vast difference in opinions, quite often people tend to disagree rather than agree and in order for democracy to prevail it is mandatory that people learn to compromise and agree for the better of the people. In the eastern part of the nation, we can find the current ruling rebels and in the West where Sirte is located there is a stronger presence of pro Qaddafi forces or loyalists. In order for democracy to take place it will take a combined effort from the North to South and East to West.A scholar who has engaged in different studies of transitional governments, Professor Michael Greig made several observations on the Libyan scenario, he bases his conclusions from his studies on transitions over the last 170 years of history and notes that the more diverse a society is, the less stable new regimes tend to be. (Coleman, 2011)With the murder of the former leader, the fear for this transition to be peaceful of fairly smooth is that loyalists might try to hold reprisal attacks, there could be various terror attacks even on innocent victims and militants, leaders, or officials under the former regime might strongly esist cooperating with t he new government and this will undermine attempts to achieve a sound and stable democratic environment. Should this occur, it could lead to an indefinite civil war and the country which already seems to be broken down into various fragments could end up losing more lives, it could also deter foreign investment and trade and regardless of the large oil reserve the country has, it could still have serious economic implications such as higher inflation rates.On the political front also, as to how confident citizens are in the government and how effect institutions being put in place will benefit the nation, only time will tell. Indeed Libyans have been shown a glimmer of hope since the death of their former leader however can they be guaranteed that another Qaddafi will not surface? â€Å"And while Libya has benefited greatly from the demise of the Qadhafi dictatorship, the country confronts an array of daunting political and security challenges, and has yet to hold its first electio ns†. Puddington, 2012)The Libyan people understandably seem to have trust issues in their new government and with this lack of trust, the people might not be too welcoming to the new rules or laws that might be put in place. Should they not have faith in the new government for too long they could be a coup d’Etat or some other form of uprising. Unrest could take place and this could just mean that democracy will fail yet again. Furthermore, there are serious doubts about how women, former members of the Qaddafi government and minorities will fare in the new order.The role of women is essential in achieving a liberal democracy. Women can be instrumental in broadening the parameters of democratic participation. They can challenge and sensitize others about the preconceived notions of what Islam can entail in a liberal democracy. For example, in Turkey, women activists achieved this to within the Islamist Refah (Welfare) Party. Libya has no democratic role models in the Ar ab world from whom to seek mentorship.One main factor that the people of Libya have going in their favour is the fact that when they finally decided to come out and rebel against their long term leader they were not influenced by the western nations or the international community as a whole. The effort was undoubtedly from within the very borders of the country and throughout the country there were many cries which eventually fell unto the ears of the international community. The freedom house report confirms this by stating â€Å"America’s firmness in assisting NATO’s Libyan campaign was an important step.After initial hesitation, the administration has also cautiously supported the process of building democratic systems in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya. †(Puddington 2012) The Libyans did indeed capture and kill Muammar Qaddafi with the help of NATO forces however they initially started the movement and asked for help to take power away from Qaddafi. The significa nce of this is that there are dependency theorists for example who believe that the western world continues to infiltrate third world nations and prevents them from standing on their own but in this particular case that can be debunked.The issue of neocolonialism at least at the time that the uprising in Libya took place was arguably not present or wasn’t the main driving force and this means that the people of Libya do indeed have a voice of their own and will not be coerced into making policies or vital decisions presented to them by countries like the United Kingdom and United States of America. Liberal democracy therefore can eventually be introduced and maintained in a society like this where the people have a voice and do what they believe and agree together is best rather than allowing external forces to impose laws on them.Another positive factor about Libya which should well favour the nation is that due to its large oil reserves and the fact that they are a major ex porter of oil to different parts of the world, they have a more attractive economy as compared to others in the Arab spring. It is common for nations to establish and develop their political and democratic institutions before any significant change is seen in the economy, however the presence of an already good and healthy economy makes it fairly easier for the presence of democracy.The important thing here would be to have competent people in government to take key and important decisions and also to manage the resources of the nation well. When this is done and the citizens see an even better improvement in the economy it will build their confidence in the government and promote more civilian participation (a very important feature for liberal democracy). With higher literacy rates than other African nations (Puddington, 2012) and with the introduction of new laws for the land Libya in the future can definitely be a success story.To reiterate what has been mentioned above in this essay there is a fair possibility of the existence of a liberal democracy in Libya. It is important to note that â€Å"remarkably, after several years of assembling and sifting data , the panel found that economic , ethnic , and regional effect shave only a modest impact on a country’s risk of political instability. Rather, stability is overwhelmingly determined by a country’s patterns of political competition and political authority. (Goldstone, 2005). Although Libya is a country that is divided along tribal lines, it also has a good educated population and a decent economic growth. Research has shown that economic, regional and ethnic effects only have a modest effect on a country’s risk of political instability and â€Å"clearly, what â€Å"works†in establishing a stable democracy is moving toward a political system with completely open and fully competitive parties that maintains strong checks on executive authority. (Goldstone, 2005) Stability is hugely determined by the prevailing patterns of political authority and competition. The key to maintaining stability lies in the following 1. making democratic institutions that promote open and fair competition 2. Avoiding political polarization and factionalism 3. Imposing substantial measures against abuse of executive power Furthermore, wealth and few or no communal tensions help, but a country does not need wealth or a homogenous population to achieve stability.The fact of Libya having a well educated population also aids in its capability for liberal democracy. Educated people tend to hold liberal views and be more tolerant of divergent views. In the case of Libya, there exist factors that are in its favour in terms of achieving a liberal democracy. In addition, its oil reserves and a wealthy treasury are assets that can be used to build democratic institutions and improve capacity building in its current institutions. The enactment of laws that curb excesses by the executive will be huge boost in this direction.Thus, the prospects of democracy in Libya are not so bleak when considering its wealthy treasury and its small and talented population which have proven that they possess a voice to speak out for the promotion of a good agenda in Libya. Unlike poorer countries who may have to seek external funding to support their democratic initiatives, it need not do so. It has the necessary capital to start a wide range of socio-economic programs aimed towards a liberal democracy.For now, the rebel leaders seem to be receiving acceptable levels of support from the populace and this among other factors serve as crucial pointers that the prospects of a liberal democratic Libya are real. To conclude, we deduce from the above highlighted points that democratic development in Libya is faced with numerous challenges, political and economic, internal and external of long year’s authoritarian regimes, coupled with bad governance, fear of mismanagement of accum ulated capital and mass participation, non-conducive investor atmosphere and a shield from the West.At a minimum, the core elements of developing political democracy are: A strong, pluralistic civil society independent of state control and able to hold government accountable; Regular and effective mechanisms to choose and to change representatives, governments, and policies by non-violent means; wide dispersion of economic resources and state commitment to broadly distributed human development; The rule of law incorporating the principles of the supremacy of the law, equality before the law, and the impartial and fair administration of the law; Strong institutions and an international environment which supports, or at least not harmful to, the above element. This is what Africa and other emerging liberal democracies need in achieving political and economic development of this ‘new world order’ regime.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Function and Structure of Proteins
The Function and Structure of Proteins Proteins are very important molecules in our cells and are essential for all living organisms. By weight, proteins are collectively the major component of the dry weight of cells and are involved in virtually all cell functions. Key Takeaways Proteins are involved in just about all cell functions and are key molecules in living cells.The typical protein is constructed from one set of twenty amino acids and a particular proteins design helps with its specific function in the cell.Antibodies, contractile proteins, and enzymes are three important types of specialized proteins found in living organisms.Occurring in the cytoplasm, translation is the process through which proteins are synthesized. Each protein within the body has a specific function, from cellular support to cell signaling and cellular locomotion. In total, there are seven types of proteins, including antibodies, enzymes, and some types of hormones, such as insulin. While proteins have many diverse functions, all are typically constructed from one set of 20 amino acids. The structure of a protein may be globular or fibrous, and the design helps each protein with their particular function. In all, proteins are absolutely fascinating and a complex subject. Lets explore the basics of these essential molecules and discover what they do for us. Antibodies Antibodies are specialized proteins involved in defending the body from antigens (foreign invaders). They can travel through the bloodstream and are utilized by the immune system to identify and defend against bacteria, viruses, and other foreign intruders. One way antibodies counteract antigens is by immobilizing them so they can be destroyed by white blood cells. Contractile Proteins Contractile proteins are responsible for muscle contraction and movement. Examples of these proteins include actin and myosin. Enzymes Enzymes are proteins that facilitate biochemical reactions. They are often referred to as catalysts because they speed up chemical reactions. Enzymes include lactase and pepsin, which you might hear of often when learning about specialty diets or digestive medical conditions. Lactase breaks down the sugar lactose found in milk. Pepsin is a digestive enzyme that works in the stomach to break down proteins in food. Other examples of digestive enzymes are the enzymes present in saliva. Salivary amylase, salivary kallikrein, and lingual lipase all perform important biological functions. Salivary amylase is the primary enzyme found in saliva and it helps to break down starch into sugar. Hormonal Proteins Hormonal proteins are messenger proteins which help to coordinate certain bodily activities. Examples include insulin, oxytocin, and somatotropin. Insulin regulates glucose metabolism by controlling the blood-sugar concentration. Oxytocin stimulates contractions during childbirth. Somatotropin is a growth hormone that stimulates protein production in muscle cells. Structural Proteins Structural proteins are fibrous and stringy and because of this formation, they provide support for various body parts. Examples include keratin, collagen, and elastin. Keratins strengthen protective coverings such as skin, hair, quills, feathers, horns, and beaks. Collagens and elastin provide support for connective tissues such as tendons and ligaments. Storage Proteins Storage proteins store amino acids for the body to use later. Examples include ovalbumin, which is found in egg whites, and casein, a milk-based protein. Ferritin is another protein that stores iron in the transport protein, hemoglobin. Transport Proteins Transport proteins are carrier proteins which move molecules from one place to another around the body. Hemoglobin is one of these and is responsible for transporting oxygen through the blood via red blood cells. Cytochromes are another that operate in the electron transport chain as electron carrier proteins. Amino Acids and Polypeptide Chains Amino acids are the building blocks of all proteins, no matter their function. Most amino acids follow a particular structural property in which a carbon (the alpha carbon) is bonded to four different groups: A hydrogen atom (H)A Carboxyl group (-COOH)An Amino group (-NH2)A variable group Of the 20 amino acids that typically make up proteins, the variable group determines the differences among the amino acids. All amino acids have the hydrogen atom, carboxyl group, and amino group bonds. Amino acids are joined together through dehydration synthesis to form a peptide bond. When a number of amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds, a polypeptide chain is formed. One or more polypeptide chains twisted into a 3-D shape forms a protein. Protein Structure We can divide the structure of protein molecules into two general classes: globular proteins and fibrous proteins. Globular proteins are generally compact, soluble, and spherical in shape. Fibrous proteins are typically elongated and insoluble. Globular and fibrous proteins may exhibit one or more types of protein structure. There are four levels of protein structure: primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary. These levels are distinguished from one another by the degree of complexity in the polypeptide chain. A single protein molecule may contain one or more of these protein structure types. The structure of a protein determines its function. For example, collagen has a super-coiled helical shape. It is long, stringy, strong, and resembles a rope, which is great for providing support. Hemoglobin, on the other hand, is a globular protein that is folded and compact. Its spherical shape is useful for maneuvering through blood vessels. In some cases, a protein may contain a non-peptide group. These are called cofactors and some, such as coenzymes, are organic. Others are an inorganic group, such as a metal ion or iron-sulfur cluster. Protein Synthesis Proteins are synthesized in the body through a process called translation. Translation occurs in the cytoplasm and involves the translation of genetic codes into proteins. The gene codes are assembled during DNA transcription, where DNA is transcribed into an RNA transcript. Cell structures called ribosomes help translate the gene codes in RNA into polypeptide chains that undergo several modifications before becoming fully functioning proteins.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on H.G.Wells
Herbert George Wells was born on September 21, 1866 in Bromley, England. He was the fourth and last child of Sarah Neal Wells and Joseph Wells. Born before Herbert George were Frances, Frank, and Fred. Unfortunately, Frances died at the age of nine, before Herbert George was even born. The Wells were not very rich, and Wells used to often joke that while he may not have been born in a manger, his rise to fame was almost miraculous. His mother was a maid in the houses of the upper class of Sussex and his father was a shopkeeper in Bromley. H.G.'s career may have started entirely by accident. When he was eight years old, he broke his leg and spent a lot of time reading and discovered an intense interest in it. Also, he was enrolled in the Thomas Morley's Academy at the age of eight. At the age of eleven, his father fell from a ladder and fractured his thigh. Joseph Wells never fully recovered and money was even tighter after this. So at the age of thirteen, H.G. was withdrawn from the Thomas Morley's Academy and apprenticed to a draper, for which he worked long hours. He hated it and was delighted when he was dismissed from the draper's because of all the mistakes he had been making. After this H.G. went to work for his uncle, as a part-time tutor and a part-time student. However, this job was soon ended when authorities closed down his uncle's school. After this he went through another series of apprenticeships and finally won a scholarship to the Normal School of Science in London. He also worked as a journalis! t during this time. In 1891, Wells and Isabel, a daughter of one the Wells family's in-laws- making her his cousin, were married. By this time he was working as a tutor again. However, the marriage didn't last long, partly because of Well's adultery, and in 1894, he left Isabel for Amy Catherine Robbins (nicknamed Jane), a pupil in one of Well's classes. Jane and Wells were married not long after Wells and Isabel's divorce. ... Free Essays on H.G.Wells Free Essays on H.G.Wells Herbert George Wells was born on September 21, 1866 in Bromley, England. He was the fourth and last child of Sarah Neal Wells and Joseph Wells. Born before Herbert George were Frances, Frank, and Fred. Unfortunately, Frances died at the age of nine, before Herbert George was even born. The Wells were not very rich, and Wells used to often joke that while he may not have been born in a manger, his rise to fame was almost miraculous. His mother was a maid in the houses of the upper class of Sussex and his father was a shopkeeper in Bromley. H.G.'s career may have started entirely by accident. When he was eight years old, he broke his leg and spent a lot of time reading and discovered an intense interest in it. Also, he was enrolled in the Thomas Morley's Academy at the age of eight. At the age of eleven, his father fell from a ladder and fractured his thigh. Joseph Wells never fully recovered and money was even tighter after this. So at the age of thirteen, H.G. was withdrawn from the Thomas Morley's Academy and apprenticed to a draper, for which he worked long hours. He hated it and was delighted when he was dismissed from the draper's because of all the mistakes he had been making. After this H.G. went to work for his uncle, as a part-time tutor and a part-time student. However, this job was soon ended when authorities closed down his uncle's school. After this he went through another series of apprenticeships and finally won a scholarship to the Normal School of Science in London. He also worked as a journalis! t during this time. In 1891, Wells and Isabel, a daughter of one the Wells family's in-laws- making her his cousin, were married. By this time he was working as a tutor again. However, the marriage didn't last long, partly because of Well's adultery, and in 1894, he left Isabel for Amy Catherine Robbins (nicknamed Jane), a pupil in one of Well's classes. Jane and Wells were married not long after Wells and Isabel's divorce. ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Classroom Management and Discipline for a Diverse Student Population Research Paper
Classroom Management and Discipline for a Diverse Student Population - Research Paper Example Three diversities of learner needs have been considered. These diversities are in the areas of learner achievement levels, socio-cultural background of learners and health needs of learners. Reasons why it is important for the teacher to ensure that there is an environment to cater for diversities in all the three areas of learner needs have been elaborated. Again, the research suggests specific approaches to be used by teachers to ensure accommodation and adaptation for differences in all three areas of learner diversity. The research closes by examining how the teacher can also cater for different learner behaviours to foster discipline in the class. Three theories have been reviewed and corresponded to how they can solve three persistent classroom related undisciplined behaviours that a teacher encounters on a regular basis. The behaviours looked at are absenteeism, inattentiveness in class and bullying. Having the managerial skills to tackle all forms of learner behaviour is very important to ensure that the classroom lives up to a desired learning atmosphere and that all learners leave the classroom each day with fulfilled dreams of going to school. Overview Day in an out, the face of teaching as a profession keeps changing; becoming more and challenging to meet the changing learning needs of students. Years past, learning was seen as the responsibility of the student. The teacher was therefore seen as a conveyer of information for the student to learn – by whatever means the student could make himself understand what the teacher teaches. Because of this, teachers went about teaching in a whole-class approach, leaving the responsibility of understanding lessons to the student. In that era, examinations were put in place to test which students learnt what the teacher taught and which students did not learn. Today, that is no more. The teacher is now seen as part of the child’s learning process with the responsibility of ensuring that his teach ing meets the learning needs of the student. Today, the teacher is seen as a facilitator who is to ensure that the student understands his teaching – by whatever means the teacher could make himself understood. Examination has therefore become a test of which teacher could meet learning needs of students. In order to meet the individual needs of the classroom population, teachers are putting away whole-class teaching approaches for diversity approached. Teachers are now required to adopt diversity approach to meet the learning needs of all learners in the classroom. According to Crawley (2006), A â€Å"diversity approach aims to recognize, value and manage difference to enable all learners to contribute and realize their full potential.†It is the aim of this research paper therefore, to investigate into various learning theories to find out how they support the concept of diversity approach in classroom situations. This will be done by delving into what diversity is, areas of classroom experiences the teacher is likely to meet diversity and the importance of catering for diversity in the classroom. There shall then be analyzes of best practices for effective classroom management to minimize disruptive behavior and increase learning in the diverse
Friday, November 1, 2019
Interracial relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Interracial relationship - Essay Example In the end, the fact remains more interracial relationships are becoming the norm. America can fight or embrace the trend, but it is happening all over the country. Interracial couples and mixed children have unique challenges to face and overcome due to outside influences. Since 1960 the number of interracial couples in the United States has increased more than tenfold, to 1.6 million, including marriages involving Hispanics. Such unions now account for about 4 percent of U.S. marriages, a share that is expected to mushroom in coming years and that is already offering powerful evidence that many Americans are jettisoning old prejudices as never before. (Fletcher 1998:A1) As the rise in interracial relationships becomes more evident, more and more Americans have become accepting, but old prejudices die hard for some. Not just whites, but blacks, Latino, Native American, Chinese, and so forth are against interracial relationships. Prejudices have a lot to do with the opposition, but the mentality of marrying in one’s culture is deeply ingrained. Once upon a time in the United States interracial couples did not face just prejudice, but the law as well. For example a couple in 1958 were married. Richard Loving, a white man, and Mildred Jeter, a black woman, got married in Washington D.C. (Alousie 1998). The two got married in Washington, because it was illegal to marry in their native Virginia. When they came back to Virginia the couple was arrested. Since 1924 Virginia had a law that forbid interracial marriages (Alousie 1998). The law in Virginia stated: 2 The law made it a crime not only to enter into an interracial marriage in the State of Virginia, but it also criminalized interracial marriages outside the state with the intent of evading Virginias prohibition. 3 Furthermore the law stated that children born out of such a union were deemed in the eyes of the State to be illegitimate and without the protections and privileges accorded
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