Monday, September 30, 2019
Behavioral Plan
Alex is a 10th grader in a public school. He is an active boy, though too active that he finds it hard to focus on his lessons or even just listen to his teacher for an extended period. While he can cope with class most of the time, he finds it hard to excel because of the inability to focus to his lessons. Thus, intervention must be made to help Alex focus and get more out of his classes. Hypothesis Alex’s excessive liveliness is a sign of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD, a condition suffered by millions of children in the United States alone.Other countries add to the statistics. It is therefore fitting for a formal research to be made in an attempt to solve the problem and help Alex along with the many children suffering the disease. Doing so will help them live normal, productive lives. Objectives of the Study The study focuses on Alex and aims to (a) help Alex behave in class, (b) help Alex participate in class, and (c) help Alex avoid teasing and disrupt ing other kids in the class. There are certain difficulties in trying to establish these objectives.First, Alex may not be expected to comply one hundred percent of the time with the teacher. Second, Alex’s attention-deficit problem is innate in him and it is not easy to stop him by just telling him to stop. Lastly, Alex finds this kinds of activity fun and comfortable, and so suddenly taking it away can pose further problems to him. These should all be considered in planning an intervention plan for Alex and with all similar cases. Data GatheringThe first step, as clinical practitioners suggest, was to gather as much information about the subject as possible. Interviews with Alex, with his parents, and with close friends have been done. Oftentimes, behavior characterizing ADHD starts from untoward occurrences in the child’s life that has affected him psychologically. The case deepens if the child finds no outlet for pouring hurt emotions or depression. Alex’s a ctivities were also observed. Charting will be done on the times of the day that he is most active, and times when he is calm and collected.It was also noted at what activities Alex is not paying attention and which ones make him stay put. These will tell pretty much how Alex’s behavior can be corrected. Considering these, Alex’s data was compared with other children. This comparison will instill or deny if Alex’s behavior is right for his age and maturity level, and if corrective actions should be made. If the data from the charts show that Alex is acting according to his age, constructive yet disciplinary actions may be given to make him behave in class.However, if the data shows that Alex is acting differently, further and more serious actions shall be made and executed. Data Analysis Alex’s data revealed important facts about his condition. The charting found that Alex’s parents both work, and he is often left to his babysitter. Alex is an only child, though he has an older sister from his father’s first marriage. The sister does not live with Alex nor is she close to him. When Alex’s activities were observed, it has been found that he would stand up and play around when Kara starts speaking.It seems that Alex does not like passive listening. Even at times that Kara was able to convince him to sit and listen, he would be fidgeting with his pencil, the pages of his workbook, or the hems of his shorts. However, when there are activities to do in the workbook, in the board, or plainly if there are activities that Kara asks the class to do Alex complies and quietly finishes his tasks. Yet when Kara starts speaking again for the purpose of discussing, Alex begins with his activity again.It should be noted, however, that only short activities keep Alex preoccupied. When activities reach more than five minutes or so, he begins fidgety again and looks for new things to do, leaving his activities unfinished. Looking at the behavior of the children similar to his level, Alex’s actions are not fitting his age and maturity level. While other children of his age are easy to talk to and direct into doing what is acceptable, no encouragement convinced Alex in doing the same. PropositionsGiven that Alex cannot stay focused in his class and because it greatly affects his participation and ultimately his grades, the following interventions were proposed. 1. At the first week, Alex was seated in the front line of the class, near the teacher’s table. This allowed the teacher to keep contact with Alex constantly throughout the class. 2. On the second week, Kara gave Alex a special role in class which allowed him to keep track of other children in class who are not behaving well.Standing and talking were among the activities that Alex kept an eye on. 3. Kara started giving the class periodic activities every ten minutes starting on the third week. Activities include lesson-related works but al so calisthenics and even breaks. 4. At the fourth week, Kara held a conference with the parents and solicited their help in the case. She stressed the importance of keeping themselves present for Alex to aid what depression there may be in Alex. 5. Alex was given short special assignments every other day to make up for his low grades in class.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Memory: Bullying and Life Essay
My earliest memory of my childhood joy was when I was four years old. I was sitting on the kitchen counter next to my mom helping her fix dinner. I do not remember what we cooked but I do remember having fun with my mom, it was the first time she taught me how to prepare food. I remember my mom cutting an onion and the juice squirted into my eye; it hurt so bad I screamed and yelled. To this day I still do not like to use onions when I am cooking, for this reason I have someone else cut the onions for me. I have always loved cooking with my mom and still love how we joke around when we are in the kitchen. I loved that I could tell her anything that is going on with me in my life when we are alone in the kitchen cooking together. Looking back at these moments in the kitchen with my mom, I realized more than ever that I wanted to start learning how to cook when I was four years old. We shared our lives while we were in that kitchen, and she taught me how to use many different types of recipes that I could use with many types of food. I love how we shared things and would tell each other our juicy secrets that we would never share with anyone else. She would also give me advice on problems that I had going on in my life. In the future, I will use this method to develop a relationship when I have my own daughter. I know she will ask me how to cook and show her step by step how prepare delicious food, that’s when I will cleverly ask her about her life. I want her to be able to come and talk to me about any problems that she has and when she needs a solution, I will help her resolve it quickly. Hopefully we will develop the kind of friendship that I have with my mother now and I hope this can be a stronger friendship that can never be broken and thrown away over silly things. My earliest unpleasant memory of school was getting bullied. I started getting bullied when I was starting middle school. Every day when I would go to school, the bullies would be there waiting for me to come so they could bully me until I would cry out in front of the whole school, I was so embarrassed and horrified of what they did to me in those days. Sometimes I am scared to tell my parents because I don’t know how they will react to the situation. I would get bullied because I didn’t have the right clothes that everybody else had on and because I was fat and they would say that people would never hang out with me or become my friend. I hated that my friends would not help me fight the bullies. They would just stand there clueless and not standing up against the bullies because they did not want to become the next target or get picked on. The bullies also picked on me because I had a learning disability. This means that I cannot defend myself because I was slow and could not comprehend what they were doing to me at school. In middle school I was a quiet kid who never bothered anyone, I was kind and I kept to myself. I didn’t know I was different or â€Å"uncool†until I started middle school. Sometimes being bullied makes me feel like I am the only one getting bullied on and I hated that so much. I was verbally and physically bullied every day and I couldn’t take anymore, I was getting harassed so much that they soon had nothing left to bring me down. I even tried to tell a teacher but she would not listen to me or believe my story. I was so scared for my life and nobody would help me; they would just stand there and laugh at me. At one point, I was constantly getting ridiculed by the popular kids and they always called me all sorts of names in the â€Å"bully book†. Getting bullied as a child scarred me for life and sometime I have a hard time forgetting what they did to me and how they did it. Four years later, I think back to all of things the bullies did to me and how I could have prevented it from happening in the first place. To this day, it still makes me cry every time I think about it. I feel like I will never be able to shake off the damage that was done to me. Will I ever be a complete person again? Getting bullied has affected me in so many ways but bullies do not really realized nor do they care how much agony they are causing the kids that they are picking on. I really want to tell the kids that are getting bullied today to realized that they can talk to someone about this. When this was happening to me I felt so alone and it is horrible to have no one you can turn to for help. It is also horrible in having going to school every day knowing those kids are getting enjoyment out of their misery. I hope one day I can talk to kids that are being bullied by other kids at school and encourage them to talk to a counselor or the principal about what’s going on. I have learned that I cannot let people bring me down because that can follow me in life. I have to make sure that I stand up for myself and what I believed in because fighting is not going to solve anything and I need to be stronger against my enemies that tried to bring me down. I can always know that I will have God by my side no matter what because I am not in this alone. My most vivid memory of my adolescent defiance is that I was easily agitated, I had a very explosive temper that I could not control during my adolescents years. I was so resentful, spiteful to my parents, my friends and to others that I treated badly. I would always get in an argument with someone that was getting on my nerves or talking my ears off about nonsense that I didn’t care about. At some point, I was desperate to prove that I was â€Å"an adult†to my parents and friends because they were not acknowledging me as one. Sometimes I often feel like I did not receive the respect and autonomy that I deserve. I would get so mad that I slammed the doors and would yell obscenities at people or my family members that did not deserve to be yelled at in the first place. I would just leave the house so that I can clear my head and think about my behavior and how I was vindictive to my family members and my friends that cared about me and loved me so much. I hated that I was disrespectful to them and that I called them names and cursed at them for no reason at all. As a teenager, it was tough for me to get along with people that did not like me or did not want to hang out with me. In high school, it was hard for me not to curse at the other kids who were saying bad things about me while they did not even know me. I had no idea why would they do that and I guess never will. As I was growing up, I learned that you should never be disrespectful to your elders but I was in that stage where it was funny to do it because other people were doing it too. I could tell that I was changing because of my negative attitude and how I was talking to others that were trying to help me feel better. I did not feel better because I felt like I was still filled with anger, frustration, and depression that I could not control my emotions cause they were all over the place. I didn’t even know how to hide my feelings from people. As I have grown older, I have changed my ways because I prayed to God that I wanted to change and become a different person that people will love and adore. I did not want to be that girl that disrespects people for no apparent reason. I want be a nicer person that will help people with their problems or difficult situations. I want to be able to control my anger and my emotions because I don’t want to do something I will someday regre t doing.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Cadbury conflict Essay Example for Free
Cadbury conflict Essay Businesses can come across many conflicts between stakeholders, which are the people that are impacted by the business. Cadbury, the chocolate producer, has started an organization, worth  £9 million pounds, to put sports equipment in school across the UK. Customers would need to save tokens from chocolate bars and give them to the schools. To get the first equipment, 750 tokens are needed. While to allow the school to obtain a variety of different equipment, it needed 2000 tokens. For schools who can’t afford these new equipment, this idea was very appealing. Cadbury’s ‘Get Active Campaign’ was sponsored with deals from Cadbury and the government by top sports stars such as boxer Audley Harrison and runner Paula Radcliffe. However the company and the government were blamed for increasing the rate and the chances of obesity in young people, because they would eat more chocolate through this scheme. Some stakeholders that are affected by this scheme would be the customers, the competition, the workers, the government, and the shareholders. The customers would be affected by this scheme because they increase the problems of obesity in young people, by eating the Cadburys chocolate in order to receive sports equipment. Cadbury would become more popular and common and after people have tried their chocolate through this scheme, it would encourage them to go buy more, which increases the profit for Cadbury. This would also lead to a stiffer competition between other chocolate and food producing companies. This scheme would be known as a fast effective way of advertising Cadburys chocolate. The workers would also be affected because they would be demotivated and therefore are unlikely to produce good quality products or deliver good customers services. Also, through the scheme, Cadbury would spend  £9 million, and therefore, during the process of trying to sell more chocolate and earn more money, their workers would earn a lower salary. The government would be affected because they would be criticized for encouraging children to eat more chocolate. The shareholders are affected because they would receive a lower profit if the profit margin is dropping. The businesses responsibility would be to provide for the population and to fulfil their wants and needs. In this case, Cadbury is providing for both its customers, and the school. It’s responsibility is to also provide jobs for the society. These people make money to support themselves and their families, pay taxes and use their wages to buy goods and services. The businesses responsibility towards competitors would be to be honest in their business practice. The businesses duty towards its workers would be creating a safe work environment, to pay workers of a business a minimum hourly wage, and to pay each worker money owed from working per paid period, including overtime, sick leave, and vacation wages. It is also the responsibility of the business to train workers in safe procedures to minimize the risk of injury. Also it is a business duty to create a working climate that fosters respect and fair treatment of every worker regardless of age, gender, race etc. The businesses responsibility towards the government is to pay taxes, follow environmental regulations (they need to limit the number of pollutants they expel), to maintain law and order etc. Finally, the businesses responsibility towards the shareholders is to build and maintain generosity in the eye of society, to provide goods and services, and to earn a profit and bring money to the company and the investors. Conflicts that might exist between stakeholders would be between society and the company and government. Even though the government supports Cadbury’s ‘’Get Active Campaign†, the general public is speaking that the only candy company is using the concept of being active to lure children to purchase more chocolates. It would also increase the number of calories the children take in (1.2 million) since to receive only one piece of sports equipment (e.g a volleyball set), children must collect $2000. Thus, leading to obesity at a young age. Another conflict that might result is between customers and the company. The customers buying the chocolate might realize that the campaign is just a scheme created to sell more chocolate, yet neglects the importance of healthy exercise. Some solutions to the conflicts that the businesses faces would be that Cadbury should cancel the concept of accumulating chocolate tokens. It is the responsibility of companies to encourage customers to live a fit lifestyle, not a plan to sell more chocolate. In order to solve the conflict, Cadbury should cancel and donate the sports equipment to financially struggling schools as an act of charity. Public relations firms specialize in dealing with negative publicity. There are many ways to solve problems between different stakeholders. Each business stakeholders have their own business objective. They usually have different opinions and have to disagree about some decisions. Finding a solution can satisfy both the conflicting stakeholders. Cadbury conflict. (2016, May 27).
Friday, September 27, 2019
Evalucation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Evalucation - Essay Example Below are the evaluation methods that are going to be employed: In order for the project to be a success, a proper understanding of the targeted public is prime. In order to understand the public a couple of data collection methods has to be involved. These will include surveys and questionnaires (Dennis 2). There will also be small groups conducting outreach programs to outsource detailed information. In the evaluation of this stage of the campaign, the use of data from the surveys and questionnaires shall be analyzed. The information on interviews collected by the outreach groups will also be analyzed. The evaluation points should be based on the opinions and attitude of the public. If the full demographic information achieved is convincing (positive attitude and opinion), then moving to the next step will be smooth and easy based on the information at hand (Dennis 4). This campaign employed giveaways, brochures, events, promotions, social media and media outreach as the tactics that would enable the creation of a strong public relation and awareness to make them register with Park on Morton student apartments. The evaluation of each or a combination of the above mentioned is pertinent as this is the point in which the campaign fails or flourishes. The best way to attract the attention of the public is through the use of Giveaways and Brochures. There will be free T-Shirts, lanyards, pens sunglasses and well-designed water bottles. To evaluate the effect of the Giveaways and Brochures, the focus will me on the way the public receives them and their attitude towards them. If this process is a success, there are a couple of things that are likely to occur: there will be an improved customer visit to Park on Morton offices for registration and inquiries. The events will be conducted in collaboration with local companies such as Bloomington Bagel Company and Kilroy’s on Kirkwood, Dunkirk and spots.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Abbott Hospital Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Abbott Hospital Case - Essay Example A closer analysis of the various facts and figures presented in the study suggests that all the stakeholders were either not informed about the change or their feedback was not incorporated effectively. The fact that Sister Mary Theresa controlled almost all aspects of the pre-acquisition period suggests that the communication was not readily disseminated at all levels. Besides, the communication was relatively one-way with others just following the suit rather than raising the voice against the proposed acquisition. A key strategic issue in this was the lack of the effective human capital i.e. the resistance from the medical community and the doctors/staff working at the hospitals. Since the overall size of medical community at local level was relatively small therefore this can be a significant issue provided a limited availability of trained and skilled medical staff at the local level. It is also critical to note that the Mt. Mercy there is a clear lack of systems requirements as most of the orders and the strategic vision flows from the single source. Having a decentralized organizational structure can actually help an organization to share the responsibility while at the same time have more feedback before any decision is made. A key strategic issue while dealing with the change was that of creating a cohesive culture for both the hospitals. Due to relatively different strategies being adapted at these two hospitals, significant employee motivation issues emerged causing a decline in the revenue and profitability for the firm. It is evident that after the acquisition, the employees of the Abbott hospital are not considering themselves as part of the new organization. In order to achieve the economies of scale and to improve the efficiencies, it is critical that the organization must focus on developing a certain degree of
Effective Information Dissemination Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Effective Information Dissemination - Assignment Example A simple intranet access management infrastructure that assimilates applications and platforms can generate vital and significant benefits for organisations trying to improve or enhance the use and management of their communication channels and digital identities. As a classic example, the use of a standard set of security protocols and the elimination of redundant identity stores can simplify infrastructure, reduce management efforts, enable single sign on (SSO), and make security auditing easier. Introduction Effective communication and efficient information dissemination are the approaches through which business firms and organisations synchronise their pursuits and accomplish their short- and long-term objectives. Perceptibly, technologies for managing and distributing information have changed over time, but its purpose and meaning required for human organisation have remained considerably coherent and dependable. The initiative to seek for ways to authenticate electronic requests and submissions is merely an attempt to meet the same needs that seals, signature comparison, and notary publics met in the paper world. As it is, the need to secure information on networks is exactly the same need that led to sealing wax and armed guards in previous eras using paper media. However, security requirements are not the only reasons that motivate and drive organisations to manage their information. If the information does not facilitate some further use that provides value, then ther e is no need to secure it. Basically, organisational information carries with it content that leads to action which either means a gain or a loss of resources. Customarily, an organisation strengthens its capacity to organise and direct these resources by dividing among numerous individuals the work necessary to achieve its objective. For the organisation to be effective, activities and its progress must synchronised and highly coordinated. As it is, a vital justification for the distribution and allotment of information within organisations is the conformity and management of these objectives and divergent tasks. Consistency of information is a crucial necessity for successful coordination. It is not a positive development if the existence and location of vital information stays unknown to those who need it, likewise, it is not very helpful and efficient if a team tries to reach and consensus when every member is operating from a different information base that may be conflicting or irreconcilable with the others on the team. It is a fact that data more often than not gets stale that keeping it current is an imperative necessity. At present, most organisational structures and processes have been made sophisticated to solve the problems intrinsic with paper-based information. Information currency and integrity are much simpler problems when the content does not change often, activities being coordinated are not that big or complicated and the information is centrally collected and distributed. However, these are not common characteristics of most businesses today. The distributed environments more commonly found at present need to be able to synchronise information in a distinct and novel way which requires a different set of management structures and processes than most organisations have inherited. Intranet Among the most recent catchphrases
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Business Research Methods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Research Methods - Assignment Example ....6 Ethical Considerations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦......7 Management Team Analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦...7 Profit and Loss Performance†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦...8 Introduction The Morgan Stanley Company has investments in over forty two countries across the globe. The Company is a worldwide financial institution that is headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, New York. The thesis is written on behalf of the company’s management for the purpose that they make the right investment decisions as most economies across the globe are experiencing slow growth after the recent monetary recession. Industry/ Company Overview The Morgan Stanley investments company offers facilities in the management of worldwide wealth, offering of securities internationally along with management services for global investments by other companies (Venzin, 9). This therefore raises the question whether the investments company should expand its activities globally to include issues such as risk management, at a time that the global economy is recovering from the recent fiscal recession and experiencing slow growths? It was formed in the year 1935 as a response to the Glass-Steagall law, which required that commercial along with trade in investment banking is spilt. It dwells in serving varied conglomerates, governments, economic institutions along with affluent individuals (Venzin, 15). The company operates in around forty two countries across the world and has over a thousand and three hundred offices around the globe. In their recent reports, the company was estimated to be managing or supervising assets owned by other companies that were worth over 287 American dollars. During their first year of operation, the company operated using an initial market share that was estimated at 24% of public offerings along with private placements. The company has not had a smooth transition throughout the years since it suffered a crisis in its management, which resulted in the company losing many of their staff members and the sacking of their senior chief officers about three months after (Venzin, 19). An Assessment Of Past (Actual) and Future (Projected) Performance Due to the introduction of the Glass-Steagall legislation in the year 1935, the Morgan Stanley Corporation was barred from investing in both the commercial along with the investment banking industries. The Corporation opted to indulge in the commercial sector thereby making some of its prominent members to leave the J.P Morgan Company in order t o form the Morgan Stanley Corporation (Venzin, 39). The Corporation in turn began its operations in the month of September achieving a market share worth 24%, which was estimated at over a billion dollars of the total market in its public offerings. They involved themselves in distributing over a hundred million dollars in the form of debentures to several companies within the steel industry. The organization underwent several reforms to facilitate the performance of more operations in their business of providing securities. It additionally won several major contracts such as the financing of the American railway system in the year 1941 and the provision of steel to the majority of the American industries
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The market for IntensCare product Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The market for IntensCare product - Case Study Example The company enjoys a large market power because of its innovativeness, formalized process of product development and heavy investments in product development (Donnellon and Margolis 2). Presently, MedSys Company has is the leading distributor of the IntensiveCare product in the market. The company has invested huge sums of money, amounting to $20.5 million in developing and launching the product (Donnellon and Margolis 1). Since the product is the most ambitious project in history, MediSys must have the largest market compared to its competitors. Nature of the market structure The nature of the market for IntensCare product is perfect competition. Perfect competition market is where there are many buyers and sellers so that the action of one trader has no significant impact on the market price. Perfect competition market is characterized by mobility of the factors of production such that producers can respond to price signals. Valerie Merz, for example, fears of losing the market share for to the forthcoming product, which are scheduled for release within the year (Donnellon and Margolis 1). Valerie is rational and seek to maximize utility and profits; this is the feature of a perfect competition market. The marketing function is interested in distributing and selling the product. Valerie Merz, the marketing manager was under pressure as she reviewed the agenda of the meeting intended for IntensCare product development team.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Employment and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Employment and Society - Essay Example The management, which is mostly consisted of male employees, find women not flexible enough, or assume that women do not want to be relocated or put long hours for the company because of their family responsibilities. Because of this, talented and skilled women lose the opportunity to be promoted to the higher management. Although there are women being promoted to the next level, there are still several signs that the place of women in the workplace is still at a lower level compared to men. Although the compensation gap between men and women employees are slowly narrowing, women’s compensation range is still at 77% lower than men’s in a 1999 data (Gregory, 2). By 2000, 46.5% of the US workforce are women but only 11.7% have held board of director positions and only 12.5% are corporate officers (Gregory, 2). Sadly, women themselves have unwittingly become the perpetuator of their own discrimination. Some women do not recognize that a certain policy is discriminatory in nature. Others, who recognize the discrimination, do not want to become involved in legal proceedings. Or are scared of losing their jobs or think that it is useless to bother with such issues as all other workplace are also infested with discrimination. There have been various laws that were passed to ensure that women get an equal opportunity in the workplace. This proves that the course towards gender equality in the workplace is on the works.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
High School vs College Essay Example for Free
High School vs College Essay As we go on in life we face many challenges and new situations that we deal with. A new situation that most people deal with is college and all the changes that come along with it. What many people dont realize is that high school, in many ways, is similar and differrent from college. Not only are people changing but the surroundings and work change as well. There are some things that seem to never change such as some work and people. The majority of the work in college is very similar to high school. An example would be the Critical Thinking homework. In that class you have to re-write a sentence that is not proper and make it correct in high school I had to do the same thing in my English class. The papers are also similar; in high school I would have to write papers all the time just like in college. In World Culture class you have to answer questions throughout the book. In high school you had to do the same; you would have to read through the book and answer questions. The biggest difference from high school to college is the responsibility level that you take on. When youre in high school teachers tend to watch over what you do and chase you down for an assignment you didnt do. 1 College is different; the only person that makes sure your work gets done is you. 1 No professor chases a student down for work and watches everything you do; they correct the papers and tell you what is wrong. The student has the responsibility of either doing the work or not. 2 Time management is something that everyone must develop in college. In high school you have a usual routine that you follow, day to day. In college you usually have a few classes a day or maybe classes that are back to back. 1 Sometimes the classes are early and sometimes they are late. It is up to the student to manage there time doing homework and other activities in college. Time management is big because you can be lazy and not take time to do work or you could take every moment to accomplish things you need to do throughout the day. 2 An example would be playing video games when you should actually be writing a paper or doing other important work. This can make or break someone who is going off to college. In high school people usually fall into cliques or certain groups of people they hang around with. College and high school are similar; an example is that if someone plays football tend to spend more time with each other. They usually talk with one another or share a bond which no one else usually has. In high school people tend to do the same thing, kids group up with either the jocks or other groups. People just make friends more easily if they have something in common. A big difference between college and high school is a new place of living. When youre at home and going to high school your parents cook, shop, and make sure you do your work. At college things are different; you have to do all those that you parents did at home. An example would be doing your laundry. Not many kids do their own laundry, so when it comes to college, things are very different. Thats why people say that when youre in college you tend to mature due to the new style of living, which is living on your own. In college the amount of classes and the time you have to go for is different from high school. In high school you go in at the same time every day, which for me was 7:15 A. M. In college classes are usually a few times a week and longer than classes in high school. An example would be that my roommate only had one class on Wednesday which was 4:00 p. m. to 7:00 p. m. In high school you have the same classes every day and usually for the same amount of time unless your high school does double blocks. The point is that in high school its the same routine day to day but in college it changes day to day. Learning new things in high school are similar to college. How teachers taught us in high school was by handing out notes or taking notes from the black/white board. College is the same way; in my economics class we take notes from the black board or sometimes a projector. The notebook that I have now for notes is very similar to the one I had in high school. Writing papers in college are more common than in high school. In high school you do write papers but not as many as you tend to write in college. In college on average I have two papers a week to type and in high school I would maybe get one a week. They would also go more in-depth when correcting our papers. They would mark every mistake down, which kind of helped me become better when it came to writing papers. The lengths of papers in high school seem to be the same as the ones in college such as length and the content/structure. All the papers that have been passed in are about the same as high school. In high school papers were usually somewhere between 3 and 5 pages. The papers that have been turned in usually consist of the same format and writing style. Unity is something thats very different from high school to college. In high school you pretty much know everyone, because every day you see the same people over and over. Even in large schools you go to the same classes every day and see the same people. College is different because its bigger and most of the kids you usually dont see again. You may see them once or twice a month if lucky. This also depends on what type of school you go to. If you go to a small college then there is a good chance you will see people over and over again. As people go in life they will face changes every day and also see things that are similar to the past. When people go to college they tend to relate to this, they face many similarities and differences from high school. The differences between high school and college seem to be on a larger scale, such as living and responsibilities. The differences seem to change people, mostly for the better. People learn as life goes on; college helps doing this because it shows people new differences which people must change their ways to adapt to a new stage of life. Works Cited 1. The Differences: High School vs. College. 2003. 27 April 2007. http://www. murraystate. edu/secsv/fye/hsvscollege. htm. 2. High School vs. College. 2007. 27 April 2007. http://advising. buffalo. edu/firstyear/highschool_college. php.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Assessing Strategic Analysis About Ryanair Airways
Assessing Strategic Analysis About Ryanair Airways The Ryanair is started by the Ryan family in 1985, with share capital of one pound and only with 25 colleagues , they started daily basis flights from Waterford in the Ireland to London Gatwick, with 5000 passengers on the route . The company grow further with high competitors British Airways and air Lingus . It is operating in a highly competitive sectors . but after 3 years of fast industrial growth , company increasingly got the numbers of passengers. with the price and routes competition they face  £20mn losses and it leads thinking about restructuring , Ryanair was take models from southwest airlines low cost leadership model .Under the new management team with new CEO Michael OLeary rethink and Launch a New LOW COST , NO FRILLS Strategy . In 1997 the EU Air transport authority allows the Ryanair to first time to operate 18 new routes in European Continental area. They took many corrective action against cost reduction Eg no free drinks ,foods, and other facilities. Ryanair go t good response from all European passengers who likes frequent , quick and Low cost Travel . Ryanair overtakes BA and Air Lingus in the Dublin London routes . Ryanair achieves their objective in a short period , they won many awards and positions in airlines industry, Ryanair got good name for punctuality. consistently the organisation expands operations , therefore in become very famous airline in the world ., and currently Ryanair operating 24 countries 436 low fare routs carried nearby 60mn people . Ryanairs Strategy : Ryanairs objective is to firmly establish itself as Europes leading low-fares scheduled passenger airline through continued improvements and expanded offerings of its low-fares service( Ryanair key strategies. Industry Leading passenger service High frequency on short- haul routes. Significantly providing a service with very Low fares . low operating costs, addressing aircraft and equipment, personnel productivity, customer service costs and airport access fees Use the internet effectively Commitment to the safety and quality maintenance . Expand the operation results via Ancillary services. Ryanair offering a highly differentiated product with very lower fare, which increasing their competitive advantage to maintain competitive position on over its competitor. The firm makes to claim to their market area by marking Europes first no frills airline service.( Sustainable competitive advantage : Cost reduction Strategy: The Ryanair has following cost reduction strategy for achieving its goal for retaining their competitive position in airlines industries . there is five main functional factors like Airport charges , contracting out services , fleet commonality , managed staff costs and marketing cost .these are the areas they are giving great focus to improve low cost operation . According to fleet commonality the airways using particular type of aircraft which controls the cost and limits the cost for employee training and development , maintenance cost and managing spares , giving more flexibility to scheduling the duty crew and aircraft. The Ryanair using Boeing 737 series to operate more numbers of passengers, and it allows 25% of increased their passengers with guaranteed 15 years of operating life .the old fleet took more maintenance coat and less fuel efficient , according to EU noise reduction requirements, the Ryanair fleets are required to install hushkits to avoid noises , it take more cost for installation almost $20mn , the increased weight might leads by negative figure of fuel efficiency . Contracting out services : The better way of reducing operating cost to give the services and maintenance work to contract or outsourcing . Ryanair operates all European countries secondary airports , it makes more numbers of passengers arrive the other city airport. The Ryanair making many contract like with France and Spain to engage with contract to assure certain number of passengers , so it makes to fill up the aircraft first the second think is about fares .Bringing more passengers in to particular airport it gives considerable amount of financial aid . The Ryanair given a contract for making luggage handling, ticket booking , customer service calls, fleet handling and maintenance and other functions . the firm obtains competitive amounts and more number of years of fixed price contract . it also avoid direct employee relationship controversies . Airports and route polices : The Ryanairs policy is to avoid many charges like passenger loading fee, landing fee, flight parking charge and noise charges , because the Ryanair avoiding congested main airport , by choosing secondary airport . it reduces many fees and indirect operational inconvenience .less busy airports give more time to on-time departure, and also reduces the landing traffic time .except London Heathrow and Gatwick airport Ryanair operates regional and secondary airports .also the firm consistent with policy of point to point connection on short range routes. Staff costs and Productivity ; The company manages a staff moderately , in this way the organisation pays modest salary , but if the company gives a pay according to the performance it will encourage the employee performance .Ryanair continuously improving their productivity with productive work force , based on on-board product sales they giving commission and incentives to the cabin crew . Ryanair giving a competitive salary to their pilot and employees, Because keeping their employee turnover they offering more than competitor. The Ryanair refuse to recognise employee union , it means they want to avoid employee relationship controversies . before recessions Ryanair gives many incentives , because it gain more profits as well as good passenger market, but after hitting recession it situation is changed because of economic slowdown , at the same time Ryanair got more number of passengers . it leads recruiting new staff members in to the team. They always think about low cost and high productivity . Marketing Cost ; The firm try to reduce marketing cost by minimising travel agents ,the firm main advertisement via their own website and radio and news paper. And they giving many deals and offers getting more attraction from all kind of customer. Ryanair follows well focussed strategy regarding the Low fares and no frills . but it leads lot more criticism and controversies in their operation . Ryanair taking advantage over the internet to make very fast booking for ticket, they were made a contract for 10 years maintenance of Ryanair website to the Accenture. The website makes more flexible to operate the airline business. And also they offer more additional services via their website to arrange hotels booking , prepaid visa credit cards , giving free city guide it makes more comfortable for their passenger for arranging their travel plan . Enhancement of operating results Through ancillary Services: The Ryanair follows ancillary revenue strategy , to convert the cost centres in to good revenue sources . they giving optional add ones to above the average prices . particularly the Ryanair understands well on optional .and also involves a un avoidable aspects of products. They engaged on in-flight sales Like : food and beverages and merchandise . they are giving a catalogue for the sales product and it will be addressing by the cabin crew , the crew get paid according to the sales levels. Via online they making more revenues by distribution of travel related services and merchandise , and also Ryanair receives commission from their product suppliers. It makes 20 % of revenue by ancillary services. Ryanair marketing message Lowest price on the Market Guarantee of no fuel surcharges it supports Ryanair brand image. The figure says how much they generating revenue from ancillary product. But it sometimes make bad impression on the brand , but prices are in real time is not very low . many times raynair attacked by media for breaching the social contract. They selling charity calendar to passenger it was hit around  £35,000 in 7000 copies in the year 2008 . Analysis : When analysing Ryanair position and strategies , It vital to consider overall industrial environment . I would like to use PESTEL analysis for analysing macro environment of Ryanair. PESTEL: It very constructive framework , it is describing about various factors of while doing environmental analysis of particular organisation . POLITICAL : The Political factors includes all policies and actions of government which affect the overall or any functional area of business operations Like , getting approval to operate the in a particular nation., Taxation , route changes , employee union policy in the local government. The securities and Tourism policy will directly hitting by airlines industry . the European union deregulates the aviation polices to gave more opportunities across EU , to competing each other in local routs. After 2004 most of the eastern European countries mingled with EU it makes expands the EU market. Ryanair crosses many government policy related problems especially in Taxing problem , if any country increase the airport tax suddenly the Ryanair stop their service , then the local government starts negotiate with Ryanair , the similar tactic they followed for negotiate with local government . ( in August 2006 , UK authorities imposed severe security measures at all airports in the face of an alleged imminent terrorist plot to attach up to 10 aircraft on transatlantic routes. These measures applied to all passengers including short-haul ones, so they were to be body searched and banned from carrying liquids and gels in their carry -on luggage. Airports serving London were especially affected. Ryanair had to cancel 279 flights in the days immediately following the incident and refunded  £2.7 million in fares to approximately 40,000 passengers, and also suffered a losses of 1.9 million Euros in reduced bookings).( Ryanair Case Study by Eleanor OHiggins,2008 -2009). UK government establish a law for security concerns , which restricts the operation due to terrorism attack. Increasing route change by the local government Increased trade union pressure Also government upgrade the law against carbon emission to air transport , to compensate other taxes. The new EU regulation and EU expansion caused for more business advantage as well as increased more competition . The French government supports for their national carriers . Now the organisation comfortable with inside the Europe policies and regulations. Still some problem their facing especially with union. Economic : Basically the Ryanair operates based on European continental area so that its operations are not affected by the exchange rate . The main area of economic concerns is oil prices. Ryanair has addressed the problem of increasing oil prices through some productive method, they having some productive fund for managing oil prices hike . but British airways addressing this problem by increasing surcharges , but Ryanair basic strategy is no surcharges for passengers . The general economic environment remains extremely difficult, as the recession saps consumer confidence, but this is proving to be good for Ryanairs traffic growth, as more and more passengers switch to Ryanairs lowest-fare, lowest-cost model. Many of our competitors have in recent months reported short-haul traffic falls, while Ryanair continues to grow. Michael OLeary, 1.EU expansion 2. some fast cares and trains 3. regional subsidies 4.Recession 5. depreciation of US dollars These are the factors that affects the Ryanair operations by economically . Social: The modern globalised business culture which enables more international and frequent domestic business travelling . increasing travelling and tourism lifestyle creates more airways travelling business. Offering very low cost services that increases frequency of passengers travelling . fluctuating of customer taste may affect the business styles , it may lead to rethink their business model according to the current situation . The Low fare for air travelling invites more passenger to travel frequently ,as well as it expands the travelling life cycle . they taken care of health and safety in effective manner. Technological and Environment They effectively using the sophisticated technology to improve their performance and accuracy of business. Ryanair investing high volume of money for Boeing 737-800,900. series aircraft to cope with continuous growth to keep competitive advantage. The strategy behind the using Boeing 737 series is to reduce the level of fuel consumption. Ryanair use the technology tool wisely , by using internet to manage passenger booking tickets and other value added services, it also increase their business accuracy and generates more revenue . when launched the Ryanair website within one week , the company got 50,000 bookings in a week . in the financial year of 2004 the website accounting 98% of overall Ryanair bookings. And the website named one of the most popular website in the world by Google . The environment scanning includes how the business has affect the world environment . especially in the concerns about global worming . but according to the carbon emission percentage the airlines industry accounts only 2% of carbon emission . avoiding noise pollution and reducing green house gasses emission is main concerns for now a days. Boeing 737 900 helps to reduce the carbon emission . Legal : Ryanair faces many legal issues in the past decades, the company engaged with all EU countries employees , it makes more difficult to manage the people in different countries, they are facing different critical situation regarding the Legal issues. The EU makes the law for providing compensation food accommodation for passengers if any flight cancels their schedule . many of the Belgian employees are laid off after the trail period , but it accepted by Irish law. Many of the Ryanair cases are still open . Significantly , damaging for Ryanair has been an European Commission ruling on subsidies. Many airports have aided for subsidise Ryanairs operations because of the economic benefits they can bring to the local area. The Commission ruled that subsidies from Charleroi in Belgium were illegal and that Ryanair must repay 4m. There are 3 main type of strategy was described by porter , 1.differentation 2.cost focused 3.niche , these are strategies for identified by porters generic strategies model . The Ryanair Cost focused model it focused to reduce the features of products to keep the cost low so the flying fare might be minimised. The differentiation strategies is charging high fee for features that add value for product .the niche strategy involves highly sophisticated product into narrow market. The porter argues the strategies mixing is a blender, this is not appropriate for Ryanair , the most successful low fare airlines they dont have premier or standard operations. Most of the occasion Ryanair try to introduce the differentiation strategies with business class and frequent traveller programme , both plan are cancelled. The Porters five theory is used for analysis the Ryanairs , it evaluates how influences affect competing organisation with in the field. And also this analysis explain why the differentiation strategies failed. The porter five forces give a clear picture about how the forces involves the competition environment . Situation Analysis: Strengths The foremost factors that would consider in the top which is their marketing strategy it includes strong branding and reputation and also leads strong and aggressive pricing strategy. The low cost strategies gives more number of customers it also give morale boost to expand the operation to all over Europe .The EU regulations supports the airline to open a new routes, it is one of the greatest advantage for Ryanairs operation expansions to Europe .The Leadership of Michael OLeary s leadership is one of key for success of their business . the customers are very happy with their money proposition of the services . their innovative cost reduction policy attracts many customers. And the mostly the revenue generation from ancillary services gives more financial strengths to the organisation. They having strong public image. And some more like established market share , safety factors, high load factor, first mover advantage these are the strength of Ryanair aviation company . Weaknesses For low fare travel strategies may affected by many times with external factors. This leads on more risk on the business operations. Most their operation with customer relation with online , sometimes because technical error they getting bad name from their customers. Mainly the employee relationship is not good, because their refusing to recognise the employee union . the volatile customer relationship is one of the key point of weakness. The decision mostly depends on Michel OLeary .the employee commitment and loyalty is very lees on the organisation . out sourcing the services may decrease the commitment of employee ,but most of the money used for buy a new aircraft . Opportunities : The strong strategy and strengths to get more opportunities to still dominating in the European airlines industry by providing more quality services at the same time keeping the low cost strategy . the continuous initiatives in company diversified the resources it will give hand on to make a growth . Such opportunities that will include e-business development as well as contracts with suppliers in this difficult economic timing where every one is trying to survive. EU law allows to make more new routes , it will expand the operations , and also the Ryanair having ability to operate the flights into the US domestic airline services .because the regulations are very flexible for operate the low cost airlines in the US. The Leadership getting more involvement on improving the operation and growth of the organisation. Threats : Threats are in the non-static model industry is always challenging and also changing according to the situations . mostly threats from macro environment via government polices affect low cost model , many times it was affected Ryanair , in terms of taxation, like airport traffic charges . The us dollar variations affect the fuel price, it leads increase fuel price . the fast growing technology advancement may be a threat to the organisation . The concerns about competitors, the company should be able to give a unique and more advanced technological services to be able to survive in the competition in the airline industry. The increased competition in the low cost airlines and mergers between competitors is a crutial threat for the company . the trade unionism is more vital point of threats . the industry criticism is may leads many threats from the financial side. Strategic choices : There four different strategies identified in porters generic model , it has 1.differentation , 2. Cost focus 3.. cost leadership 4. Differentiation focus . In a first concern all it is clear the strategy is adopted to be the low fare air travel provider, but at the same time it is focusing on certain segments on location , demographic and niche basis, such as providing Air services which are very short in distances and there are no connecting flights which minimise the cost of luggage handling and connecting passengers .by discussing above strategy it is necessary to explain same direction . i would like to present by the use of ansoff model. It will give a good idea about market development , product and service development, market penetration . Market development strategy can be implemented by introducing existing services to new places in order to attract more passengers and revenue generation. The organisation can elaborate through introduction of operation to other areas of world not just concentrate at one or set number of places. An different aspect is need to be consider of when Market development , which is the communication and channel of distribution have to be altered according to the cultural and geographical aspects of new market. Ryanair can expand its services by introducing flights to different places in Africa, South Asia and Eastern part of the world where there is huge potential of market growth . There are more valuable reasons for this factor, one is there are most of tourist and people are allow to visit those places in holiday timings such as Egypt, India and Dubai etc. Secondly there are many people who have been migrated to west European countries from different countries so they need to going their home countries as well, if these people will get low price deals even the quality is just normal level , the target customers will choose this option as most of the region in eastern and southern part of the world are emerging countries, so low cost fares and no frills would be more valuable as compare to European services . The only think is here that Ryanair is competing with big competitor Airlines in European markets, because it has ability to compete on short routes but it not be able to manage the competition with other national airlines at such a large extent, where they have good experience with airlines services and people might prefer to use their national Airlines instead of those which are badly reputed and being criticised in terms of customer behaviour. On the other hand need more financial capital as operations will be expanded and the size of fleet has to be increased ,which is not possible in current Ryanair position where it is facing financial difficulties in year 2009 due to recession and increased competition at different ends. When diversification occur where the new product and services are introduced in the field. Any strategy is evaluated in aspects of Suitability, feasibility and acceptability , The strategy of diversification which is unique, and there will be some concerns regarding the capital budgeting . as Ryanair Aircraft comprised of Boeing aircrafts, for this strategy it has to invest some more money to get small air crafts having a capacity of 20-30 passenger which can be used for private basis. The overall strategy might also not align with the proposed proposal as it is very niche segment and there profits generated may not be important as compare to current figures being reported from couple of years by Ryanair. Strategic Decision and Recommended Strategy : According to my perspective and my above analysis, Ryanair is doing well under the leader ship of Michael O Leary . According to Michael O Leary it is not fruitfully when you minimise the prices and make losses, the actual competency is reducing the fares and still continue to making profits. It reflects the strategy of market penetration and product development. I agree at some extent. The Ryanair is one of the Porters preferred company profile for charismatic leadership of OLeary .the successful company have a well structured and strong Leadership who willing to made more choices , The porter says I have found that there is a striking relationship between really good strategies and Really strong leaders. (Porter in 2006 ). And also it is created more dependence for OLearys commitment if in case he departs from the company it create more impact on the organisational business. The attitude of employee is a major weakness of its strategy, Recognise the employee union might be give a good result from the employee side, and also it increases employee commitment , the employee feels good. But at the same time the unionism might demand more , and conduct frequent strike , it may affect Ryanair operation .example frequent strike affected many times on British airways. I suggested to implement a strategy it increased move to expand the staff bases across the Europe . Especially in East side of Europe, because there is very less wages . by setting up Training institute across the Europe , it reduces agency cost. Also the purchase of new aircraft like 20 airbus and 116 Boeing is more valuable for the future of the organisation operations. It is vital move on their advancement of cost reduction strategy , because it reduce the fuel consumption as well as increasing the number of passengers . it gives more revenue on their day to day and long term operation. The Ryanair website has some customer relationship problem , in the area of payment of tickets , it may affect the moral image of the organisation , so that make the use of new technology to avoid this kind of problem. The website look and feel is quite older they should be redesign the website look which gives more user friendly , It can give more options when booking , the price of the booking needs to displayed by properly and give a brief explanation about all other costs. It will give a good image to the company because if they feel there is no hidden charge they will believe the company . It is good to lower the cost of operating the business, but not being so cheap which allow inconvenience to passenger and it decreasing value created to them. I strongly recommended those customers who book Low fare flights but dont arrange boarding pass via online, it Leads more expensive for them to arrange for boarding pass at airport and sometimes some extra amount need to be paid as compa re to original ticket. This strategy should be eliminated as customer gets frustrated and if customer feel more incontinence it may not want to think to travel again with Ryanair. It is important to assess the number of passengers travelling within the one year of period on a particular route .if they find a new route like Athens to London , Cyprus to Amsterdam . It is commercially profitable and possible to providing the service on the suggested route . The main reason for success is providing lowest fares then competitor without charging the fuel surcharges, but the organisation must think about giving more value to the passengers.  Ryanair can be summarised as a organisation it has had a very clear strategy differentiating it from competitors in a way of enabled it to meet passenger needs effectively, and there are remarkably few commercial weaknesses in its approach. Critical Reflections from Learning Outcome : When i started before i have some less idea about corporate strategy, I dont have much knowledge about the organisations strategies , but now I have understand what is use of strategy and what it says. More then that how strategies are important for successful organisation. It gives me a detailed idea about how to manage long term business, I had understand well in the frameworks which i studied it gives a clear picture about the macro environmental and micro environmental factors. I used to analyse environment via PESTEL framework , it is very useful to assess the industries current environment. But it takes more time to asses all functional areas. It is put me reed more sources. And I also used SWOT analysis to assess the current situations about Ryanair. The comparisons between in the four major area that gives a clean picture about the current situation. The Ryanair CEO Michael O Leary has a very charismatic and contradicting personality and his statements like  £1 for toilet use means reduction in cost but at same time inconvenience to customer .In most of the time it gets confusing to count the above statement as strength or weakness. The over all module shape my view about on the corporate strategy , it gave a more knowledge about how to operate a business in the corporate levels. And also addressing many framework that gives a solution for the conflicts ,some time it take vague . The case study which is related to subject give great and depth knowledge about current and historic trends of their strategies . it also teaches some successful strategies on the industrial operations. The module gives full extend level of knowledge about strategies as well as the delivery of subject knowledge is excellent , the tutor gives many more real time example and shares knowledge with us, encourage the student participation in the class , it makes more interactive in the class room. But the course is very short time period so the time management for study this subject is somewhat difficult. References: JOHNSON G, SCHOLES K, AND WHITTINGTON (2008) Exploring Corporate strategy text and cases 8th edition FT and Prentice Hall , Pearson Education publishers , London KOTLER P, ARMSTRONG G, SAUNDERS J and WONG V (1999) Principles of Marketing 2nd European Edition (Prentice Hall, London) KOTLER P and KELLER K (2005) Marketing Management 12TH edition Pearson Education, London MARCOUS A, GILLIESPIE A, MARTIN B (2003) Business studies 2nd edition Hodder Arnold , Oxon. PORTER (1987) From the Competitive Advantage to the Corporate Industry, Harvard Business Review may 1987 pp 43 to 59 . PORTER (2001) Strategy and Internet In Harvard Business Review in march 2001. Pp 44- 73. PORTER (1996) What is strategy ? in Harvard Business Review pp 61- 69. MILNER M and BRIGNALL M (2006) EU court rules that airlines must compensate stranded passengers in The Guardian 11/01/2006 Mintzberg H (1989) Mintzberg on Management (Free Press, New York) The stock holders information . Referring the home website for data Ryanair Case Study by Eleanor OHiggins,2008 -2009 Bibliography: Ryanair Strategic Study from Michael Choi ACCA book for business analysis
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Role and Structure of Greek Tragedy in Philip Roth’s Eli the Fanati
The Role and Structure of Greek Tragedy in Philip Roth’s Eli the Fanatic When one’s in painâ€â€physical, mental, or emotionalâ€â€one always believes it is worse than everyone else’s. Yet when an acquaintance bemoans a bad day, one still manages to wave it off: it could not be worse than one’s own pain. Even if it is a past pain and there are only scars, those scars are tenderer than the friend’s current sores. Individuals forget that anguish can be shared and another’s intervention can diminish it. This theme has been around for millennia and was particularly explored in the works of Greek tragedians. In Eli, the Fanatic Philip Roth employs structural and thematic elements of Greek tragedy to illustrate that human beings can be responsible for each other’s suffering. One of the essential elements of Greek tragedy, that of the chorus, can be filled in by Ted, Shirley, and even Miriam. They are the residents of Woodenton who call Eli. Traditionally, the chorus plays an active role and can be a sounding and advising board for the protagonist. Ted in particular tries to advise Eli and, like the customary chorus, he represents the masses, the people, in this particular case the town of Woodenton. As Ted informs Eli, â€Å"The Jewish members of the community appointed me, Artie, and Harry to -2 see what could be done†(276). The Greek chorus, in Greek tragedy, represents the masses and often serves to counterpoint the protagonist, and Ted’s near-fanatical grudge against the Yeshiva certainly counterpoints with Eli’s growing benevolence toward them. In Roth’s context, the residents of Woodenton, the Chorus, also serve as a counterpoint to Eli’s guilt. Eli becomes concerned over the Greenie’s happiness a... ...s Eli who, as he awakens to the laws of Gods, also becomes aware that just as there are laws beyond those he preaches, there is pain beyond his own. Greek tragedies were successful in that they taught viewers how to extend their compassion, and Roth duplicates this motive. He suggests that if one is willing to accept the laws of God, then one can also help others. It is an idealistic message perhaps, but when one is suffering, one wants to believe that others are concerned, even if they don’t physically share the pain. -7 Works Cited McDonald, Marianne. â€Å"Seamus Heaney’s Cure at Troy: Politics and Poetry.†Classics Ireland. 1996. University College Dublin. 13 Feb. 2006. ssics/classicsinfo/96/McDonald96.html> Roth, Philip. Goodbye, Columbus. NY: Vintage International, 1959.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Cyberculture Essay :: Internet Technology essays
Cyberculture Essay E-mail today is the medium of choice when it comes to formal or informal exchange of written information. It has changed the way we thought about writing and drastically changed the way we correspond through writing. E-mail has added a certain type of convenience and its own unique style, although impersonal at times, to the written form of today’s communication. James Sosnoski said it well when he wrote in 1995, â€Å"reading electronic texts on screens is likely to be the predominant mode of reading in the very near future†(Tribble and Turbek 400). If he had only known how right, he was. E-mail today, in short has made the act of simple written correspondence so easy and convenient for all to do. Just over ten years ago, I can imagine many could never have fathomed that they would be able to write to a friend halfway across the world and have them receive the message in a matter of minutes. Writing letters on paper has lost its novelty. It used to be, not long ago that receiving a written letter wasn’t very uncommon, whereas today, it’s simply a rarity. Now not only are you able to send a letter in a matter of minutes, but you can save yourself the pains of writing several of the same copy; you can foreword or carbon copy them to as many people on your address list as you like with a click of a button. The act of revision and attention to spelling and grammatical error has all but eliminated itself in the development of this modern marvel. Dennis Baron wrote, â€Å"It wasn’t so much that I couldn’t think of the words, but the physical effort of handwriting, crossing out, revising, †¦ now seemed to overwhelm and constrict me, and I longed for the flexibility of digitized text†(Tribble and Turbek 36). Perhaps, part of the appeal that E-mail withholds is its ease of use. What was once considered painstaking, the task of writing, revising, and rewriting has now become a thing of the past. Its digitized text can easily compose with the stroke of a key and cut one’s precious time in half. With ease and convenience comes a change of what you might call the formality of written correspondence.
Journey to the Center of the Earth :: essays research papers
The book A Journey to the Center of the Earth, by Jules Verne is a well-written and easy to read book most of the time. In my essay I’m going to give a description of the books events. The book starts with Professor Hardwigg finding a scrap of paper that says its possible to get to the center of the earth and decides to take the journey. Hardwigg insists that Harry, his nephew, come with him on the journey. After they got the supplies, they start their journey for Mt. Sneffels in Iceland, the spot where they can get to the center of the earth. They travel up the mountain and find the opining were they start their journey. At the bottom of the shaft they find four paths that they can take and the Professor chooses one but it’s a dead end they select a different route. They soon discover water, which they vary much need from the lack of. Later they find a well-like shaft where they go farther below the surface of the earth. Continuing to descend Harry goes ahead of the others and it soon lost. He retraces his steps but becomes even more lost. After being lost for days Harry finds his Uncle. Later they discover the Central Sea, an underground body of water. Exp loring the area around the sea, the travelers find huge mushrooms, bones of mastodons and other evidence of plant and animal life. The Professor decides that they must cross the ocean to continue further so they make a raft. Days later two huge monsters surface and almost sink the raft. Continuing on, the three spot what they think is another giant monster but discover it is an island that they start to travel to later a storm hits that almost sinks their raft and the storm carries them back to the shores from were they started but farther along the coast then before. The Professor and Harry finds huge shells and a field of bones and even a human skull. Then they wondered if humans ever lived beneath the earth. They spotted gigantic animals and even a tall human being. Afraid they would get hurt they started back towards the raft. While they were going back Harry spotted a tunnel and inside the initials A.S are carved into it, Arne Saknussemm had been there before them, they also discovered that the tunnel is blocked.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Aphra Bhen’s Oroonoko “The royal Slave†and “Candide, Or Optimism†Essay
Aphra Bhen was a prolific female playwright and author during the restoration period of English history. Bhen herself stood by the power of the monarchy. Her book ‘_Oroonoko_’ has hints within the text that royalty is seen as set apart from the rest of society; and that rank is the natural order of things. Though little is really known about Behn’s early years, evidence suggests that she may have had a Catholic upbringing; (1) however, in considering the text for analysis, Bhen’s position on religion shows that she found religion very constrictive to society, which I will discuss in detail later. Franà §ois-Marie Arouet who is also known by his nom de plume Voltaire, was famous for his wit and for his advocacy of civil liberties, including freedom of religion, freedom of expression, free trade and separation of church and state. He was a French Enlightenment writer, historian and philosopher, and his Book ‘_Candide or Optimism’_ is a satirical philosophical tale which I will also discuss in detail later. The first text to be analysed is found on page 11 of ‘_Oroonoko_’. The text depicts the â€Å"Indian†natives of Surinam, how they appear to the narrator, how they show love to each other and how they interact with the English governor. The text begins with a vivid description of the natives. ‘they are extreme modest bashful, very shy and nice of being touched†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ [†¦] ‘†¦and though they are all thus naked if one lives forever among them, there is not seen an indecent action or glance.’ This is a vivid description of innocence, and leads to the use of poetic language when discussing erotic love: eg :-‘he pursues her with eyes and sighs were all his language’ while she: ‘†¦looked down with all blushing modesty.’. This is also a clever use of the narrative structure known as vocalisation, and gives a powerful impression of how the natives feel for each other. However the tone she uses in the text is also hyperbolic, in as much as she romanticises the natives she describes. Also by doing this the natives are shown as passive. The text also contains Biblical perspective and religious connotations. In the first quarter of the narrative she states ‘†¦so like our parents before the fall†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ which she also connects with: ‘†¦and these people represented to me an absolute idea of the first state of innocence, before man knew how to sin†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ By placing these comments in this conjunction, together with the innocence she creates, she thus connects both the native man and the woman to Adam and Eve within their setting:- the jungle of Surinam, which thus creates an impression of the Garden of Eden as described in the Bible, in Genesis 3. This is something that her audience, having known the Biblical text accurately, would have been able to understand and thus take into consideration, when thinking about a man and a woman from a country a long way away. The narrator considers this noble; when she sees their culture free from the social parameters of religion and informs the reader thus: ‘Nature is the most harmless, inoffensive, and virtuous mistress, it is she alone, if she were permitted, that better instructs the world than the inventions of man; religion would here destroy that tranquillity that they possess by ignorance.’ But she also sates in the first quarter of the text . ‘It seems as if they had no wishes, and nothing to heighten their curiosity’; and later adds: ‘where there is no novelty there is no curiosity.’ when this is considered with the biblical connections, there is the possible implication of rank detachment thus separating the natives from the Christian-European culture which she and her readers are a part of. At the end of the text, she separates the natives even further from the colonists, when she describes a meeting with the Governor. When the Governor cannot make the trip to see them, the natives conclude that he must be dead. When this it is seen that this is not the case, the natives call the Governor ‘a liar and guilty of that infamy’. On one level, this could be seen as ‘native justice’ as she calls it. However, it also implies that the natives are limited in their understanding, and possibly suggesting that colonisation is acceptable, moreover necessary for their development. The second texts is seen on Pages 40 to 42 of Voltaire’s ‘Candide or Optimism’ and are contained in chapter 16 of the main text. The scene depicts Candide and Cacambo entering the Jungle of Orillion, Their entrapment by the Orillians’; Cacambo’s discourse with the Orillians, who then release Candide and Cacambo from captivity, and ends with Candide’s exclamation as to how nice the Orillians are. ‘It’s a Jesuit it’s a Jesuit we will be avenged! And we’ll eat the Jesuit! ‘ say the Orillians after capturing Candide. Here Voltaire is seeing the native as very savage. But he is also viscously satirical and ironic, as Voltaire himself was taught by the Jesuit order. The omniscient narrator here gives us insight into what the natives are saying, and this adds to the viscous humour and the irony. Candide then considers the philosophy of optimism which is the underpinning continuing theme within the text ‘All is for the best, no doubt, but I must say that it’s a cruel thing to have lost Mademoiselle Cunà ©gonde and be roasted on a spit by the Orillions.’ Cacambo comes to the rescue by reasoning with the natives. Here Voltaire does not see a race that is inferior to the culture in Europe, but simply another form human being that can be reasoned with. As Cacambo states: that: ‘natural law teaches us to kill our neighbour all the world over’. [†¦] ‘The Orillians might be cannibals’ but as he says ‘We Europeans have other means of eating well’ thus suggesting that there is little that separates modern society from the native, other than money. The Orrillians are convinced by Cacambo’s reasoned speech and not only do they let them go, they give them women and are treated with â€Å"every civility†again underlining the ‘civility’ of the native population and thus informing the reader of the day that the natives are civilised in their behaviour, despite where they live and what they wear and try to do. As the piece end’s, Candide is overcome both by his deliverance but also by the natives themselves â€Å"what men! What customs!†he says, going back to the theory of Optimism and the issues that relate to cause and effect: ‘ if I had not run my sword right through Cunà ©gonde’s brother, I would have been eaten alive without fail.’ [†¦] ‘It seems to me that nature is a good thing, since these people, instead of eating me, showed me a thousand civilities just as soon as they know I was not a Jesuit.’ In its tone style and genre ‘_Candide or Optimism’_ is a sharply satirical, philosophical tale that stands against the Leibnitz’s argument for philosophical optimism which is summed up in the words of Alexander pope: ‘whatever IS, IS RIGHT’. (2) In its tone style and genre ‘Oroonoko’ is a classical tradgedy where the hero is brought low by personal character flaws or outside circumstances. In comparing and contrasting the texts, both consider colonisation and exploration: In considering the concept of exploration within ‘_Oroonoko_’ Bhen paints a vivid picture of the passivity and the beauty of the natural order, and how this justifies hierarchal society, Whereas, in ‘_Candide_’ Voltaire paints a very different picture, where humanity as a whole is struggling with its very nature, and only reason and enlightenment can help humanity progress. In considering colonisation, Bhen supports the idea of colonisation as a means of financial gain for the homeland. Therefore the natives are shown as a species on their own but a secondary species, next to the European colonists which thus supports the idea of slavery, as a means to an end, despite the suffering that slavery incurs. This is seen in how she considers the natives in the text, who are considered, on the whole as naà ¯ve. In ‘_Candide_’ Voltaire gives us a very complex picture of a world with complex cultures that simply do not interact well. Suggesting that colonisation is an imposition of one culture upon another for the sake of greed. This too is seen in the way he portrays the natives in the text, and though both consider religion to be a man-made construct that is difficult and dangerous to impose upon another culture. It is Bhen’s perspective of the natives that is demeaning, whereas Voltaire’s position is one of equality where we are all the same ‘the world over’. ‘_Oroonoko_’ by Aphra Bhen and ‘_Candide_’ by Voltaire, Both have varied and complex arguments relating to slavery and the plight of humanity. Both are very different and tell two very different stories of life in other lands. The fact that they are still in print now, is a reflection of their importance in understanding the attitudes and cultural aspects of the time that they were written. This in turn, still makes them as important as they were when they were first written. 1. Todd J Introduction xviii Oroonoko 2. Pope A _Essay of man p 45-6_ Fraiser R Voltaire â€Å"_candide, or optimism†_ P 182 renaissance and the long 18th Century (ed) Pacheo A, Johnson D, Open university press. Biblography Bhen A. Oroonoko William canning (1688) (ed) Todd J. penguin classics(2004) Voltaire Candide or Optimism (ed) T. Cuffe Penguin classics (2005) The Renaissance and long eighteenth century (ed) Pacheo A, Johnson D, Open university press.(2008)
Monday, September 16, 2019
Mystery Man of Stonehenge
Archeologists were finishing excavating in Amesbury (planned development of housing) in spring, 2002. It is necessary to admit that Amesbury is situated in the southwest of England. During excavation the small Roman cemetery was uncovered by archeologists and thus that finding was considered fairly common. Nevertheless, two skeletons were discovered and one of them was important as it was interred in grave made up of timber. The position of a mystery skeleton was rather common for burials in Bronze Age – skeleton’s legs were in a fetal position. Furthermore, skeleton had a hole in a jawbone proving that he had an abscess. The mystery man also sustained an injury as he had heavy limp as well as bone infection. That mystery skeleton was Amesbury Archer. Mystery man appeared to be a wealthy dweller of cool region in Central Europe having relation to vanguard. (Stone 2005) Firstly, it is necessary to claim that a mystery man was rather wealthy archer. According to archeologists he was between 35-45 years old and was buried â€Å"with a black stone wrist guard on his forearm of the kind used to protect archers from the snap of a bowstring†. (Stone 2005) Sixteen flint arrowheads were scattered across his body and it was assumed that mystery man had certain relation to Stonehenge. The evidence was that massive stone monument was near the burial place. Furthermore, it was apparent that archer was wealthy, because the grave was filled with wrist guards, arrowheads, copper knives, a cache of flint tools as well as metalworking tools. Additionally the grave was arranged with stone shaped like a sofa serving as an anvil. The next evidence of wealth was a pair of gold ornaments, clay pot. Indeed the archer died rich.(Rubinstein 2005) Secondly, archer was born in a cool region in Central Europe. This fact was revealed due to archers’ mouth. Archeologists stated that tooth enamel of a person was the best way to point out his place of birth. Tooth enamel consists of oxygen, calcium and phosphorous and other elements. Actually â€Å"the composition of the oxygen molecules in apatite depends on the water a person drank as a child, and that, in turn, can reveal a great deal about where he grew upâ€â€from the temperature of rain or snow to the distance from a coast and the area’s altitude†. (Stone 2005) The makeup of the oxygen found in archer’s teeth was scanned and thus it was determined by geoscientist Chenery (British Geological Survey) that archer was born in a cool region in Central Europe. Possibly, the archer encountered â€Å"a rural setting of round timber houses with conical thatched roofs†. (Stone 2005) Thirdly it was stated that the archer had certain relations to trade and metalworking. In those times metalworking was the most important skill. And in about 2300 B.C metal implements completely replaced stone weapons and tools which defined the era of Stone Age. The Bronze Age started in the southwest of Europe in about the 4th century B.C. as it was mentioned the grave was filled with different copper knives being used as a weapon and for eating. Cushion stone proved that archer knew how to use and why to use metal instruments. There were some suggestions that the archer belonged to the vanguard of the flashy trade producing metal items used in different shows. (Rubinstein 2005) According to archeologists the metal tool found had to be buried only with his owner. Therefore archer was skillful to move from one community to another having his knowledge in his head. It is possible to suggest that he had unique and exceptional skill for those times, because archer was similar to magician. It was revealed that the arrival of the archer completely coincided with the arrival of the metal implements to the British Isles. Thus the archer is likely to be a pioneer in the new Bronze Age. In conclusion it is necessary to outline that the mystery men was considered to be the archer who lived in the Central Europe and was busy with producing metal tools and instruments for shows. Furthermore, the time of his arrival was the beginning of the Bronze Age. (Archaeologists Figure out Mystery 2005) References Archaeologists Figure out Mystery of Stonehenge Bluestones. (2005, June 24). Western Mail, 16. Stone, Richard. (2005, August). The Mystery Man of Stonehenge. Retrieved October, 26, 2006, from Rubinstein, William. (2005, November). Mystery Identities. History Today, 55, 11, 28-34.  Â
Sunday, September 15, 2019
The Benefits Of Cooperative Learning For Students Education Essay
Why the Cooperative Learning is good for ELL pupils? The range of this research paper is to show the importance of using the concerted acquisition groups to assist ELL pupils to accomplish English linguistic communication proficiency. How does cooperative larning benefit English scholars? David Noyes answers this inquiry with a profusion of research-based facts as it follows: it is non â€Å" endangering †promoting a low affectional barrier, which facilitates a better comprehensive input, the information provided comes from at least two beginnings, the instructor and equals, with the consequence of an improved keeping, and is strategic and purposeful through staging and differentiated direction. In add-on to already advert Multisensory Approach noticed by Noyes, Hammerken suggests that practising with a equal, experimenting different survey attacks help pupils achieve better on appraisals ( 2000, p.88 ) . In add-on, the concerted acquisition activities encourage sharing and edifice background cognition. The cultural, emotional, and geographical scheme of each pupil is enhanced through brainstorming, group treatments, the usage of in writing organisers, reappraisal of text, reappraisal vocabulary in context . Furthermore, an of import supporting statement is that it â€Å" maximizes the acquisition of English. †Noyes cites Cummings naming the co-op larning an â€Å" empowerment teaching method. †Dr. Cummings in his article Putting Language Proficiency in Its Topographic point: Reacting to Critiques of the Conversational/Academic Language Distinction stress the importance for pedagogues to do the differentiation between basic accomplishments and academic proficiency accomplishments, â€Å" I have suggested that in order to turn to these issues ( Critiques of the Conversational/Academic Language Distinction ) we need to do a cardinal differentiation between colloquial and academic facets of linguistic communication proficiency ( originally labeled basic interpersonal communicative accomplishments [ BICS ] and cognitive academic linguistic communication proficiency [ CALP ] †( Cummings,19797 ) . The linguistic communication development for bilingual pupils is recommended, â€Å" by supplying pupils with extended chances to transport out undertakings look intoing their ain and their community ‘s linguistic communication usage, patterns, and premises †( Cumm ings, 1979 ) , which are the features of concerted larning groups activities. Furthermore, Dr. Krashen in his article What is Academic Language Proficiency? explains that understanding and doing the difference between basic interpersonal linguistic communication accomplishments and Academic Proficiency accomplishments is of import for pedagogues in their attempt to back up linguistic communication acquisition, going the â€Å" cardinal end of linguistic communication learning plans. †The article ‘s accent is on the schemes employed to ease the linguistic communication acquisition on accomplishing the academic proficiency versus learning schemes that kids of course develop anyhow and consider, rote memorisation. The efficient schemes recommended for developing cognition of academic linguistic communication and content as they represent â€Å" one of the grounds for the success of bilingual plans â€Å" are ; triping the background cognition, the usage of images, realia, group treatments, narrow reading, and scaffolding for job resolution. All th e schemes indicated can be found in concerted acquisition groups activities. Another ground the Cooperative Learning groups are recommended for ELL pupils is that of the consequence of take downing the affectional barrier followed by the addition of comprehensive input, â€Å" the effectual linguistic communication instructor is person who can supply input and assist do it comprehendible in a low anxiousness state of affairs †( Krashen,2009, 163 ) . Entire Physical Response as defined by Dr. Krashen ( 2009, p. 140 ) represents the pupil ‘s apprehension and reaction to teacher ‘s directions/commands and shows the degree of motive and engagement during the instructional procedure. The Cooperative Learning Group activities guarantee the entire physical response of the participants by leting the ELL pupils to travel over the submergence â€Å" soundless †phase through a low affectional barrier and reply when they are ready ( Krashen, 2009 ) . In add-on to the pro statements for Cooperative Learning Groups usage is the sum and quality of conversation involved. Harmonizing to Dr. Krashsen conversation, as a method to get linguistic communication proficiency, gives good comprehensive input, is interesting/relevant, and with the presence of a native talker has a low affectional filter. â€Å" Conversation will give the acquirer a opportunity to pattern the tools he has learned and give him possibly the best chance to get new 1s †( Krashen, 2009, p.163 ) . Rothstein and Turnbull accentuate on instructor outlooks for pupils to utilize a logical-scientific type of discourse, which is really the formal academic linguistic communication as opposed to societal narrative. They suggest â€Å" bridging between narratives and academic discourse †by utilizing schoolroom direction structures which â€Å" promote pupil ‘s battle in signifiers of discourse that they do non utilize at place †( Rothstein & A ; T urnbull, 2008, p. 140 ) . As a portion of the Bridging Cultures classrooms the collaborative acquisition is considered supplying the necessary support by furthering positive mutuality, on undertaking behaviours, and advancing academic discourse. Dr. Jimenez explains that pupils are of course supposed to interact during concerted acquisition activities which make monitoring academic address a must. She suggests expressed instruction, charting, and monitored pattern in order to heighten academic address maps. Freeman and Freeman, the writers of English Language Learners ; The Essential Guide, are to the full cognizant of the importance of developing the academic linguistic communication for EEL pupils. Besides, the writers recognize that the ELL pupils have troubles utilizing the formal English linguistic communication every bit opposed to a so called proficiency utilizing the insouciant linguistic communication. In order to develop the CALP and supply more context-embedded direction the writers suggest the usage of in writing organisers, working in concerted groups, and prosecute in hands-on activities which are the forms of concerted acquisition groups ; â€Å" When learning occurs in Quadrant C ( context embedded and cognitively demanding ) pupils develop the academic linguistic communication †( Freeman, 2000, p. 155 ) . Supporting the subject, Echevaria and writers explain the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol as being the instructional theoretical account designed to assist bilingual pupils to accomplish English linguistic communication proficiency ; â€Å" Effective sheltered categories are characterized by a assortment of grouping constructions, includingaˆÂ ¦cooperative acquisition groups ( 2004, p.105 ) . Furthermore, â€Å" competent linguistic communication scholars actively prosecute these cognitive accomplishments, and research workers know these scholars are effectual, in portion, because they have particular ways of treating the new information they are larning â€Å" ( Echevaria, 2004, p.82 ) . The acquisition schemes considered by the SIOP theoretical account are the Metacognitive, Cognitive, and Social/Affective Strategies. These schemes that are employed through explicit instruction, mold, and scaffolding are the features of direction needed for a instructor implement ing concerted acquisition groups. Making the content comprehensible is done by using attacks as the usage of mnemonics, SQP2RS, PENS, GIST, Rehearsal Strategies, Graphic Organizers, Comprehension Strategies ( Echevaria, 2004 ) . The Sheltered Instruction Protocol is based on research which points out clearly that the grouping constellations has to be diverse â€Å" advancing the development of multiple positions and promote coaction. †Besides, as Noyes suggests every bit good, avoid grouping the low-average acting pupils with ELL pupils. The of import thought is that the ELL pupils get excess support in being grouped harmonizing linguistic communication proficiency degree, but merely for specific activities when excess support is needed ( paraprofessional monitoring, practising a specific linguistic communication impression, etc ) . The concerted acquisition grouping gives every pupil the chance to entree every bit the course of study ( Echevaria, 2004 ) . The writers of Teaching Students with Mild and Moderate Disabilities ; Research Based Practices, Cohen and Spenciner, acknowledge the benefits of concerted acquisition for pupils â€Å" both with and without disablements †( 2005, p.235 ) , because they work collaboratively to accomplish academic public presentation. As a common note the ELL pupils and pupils with larning disablements have troubles understanding and using their cognition to job resolution and higher order believing accomplishments ( Cohen & A ; Spenciner, 2005, p.194 ) .The grounds are different of class, but the instructor ‘s attack is to rectify and better pupil ‘s public presentation by learning metacognition accomplishments. Consequently, the ELL pupils will larn how to believe and how to larn from their equals during concerted larning group activities following instructor ‘s mold and cues. A immense importance in the acquisition procedure is made by addressing/applying Gardener ‘s Multiple Intelligences Theory. Hammerken suggests that pupils are experimenting in their attempt to happen the one which supports their learning manner, â€Å" the most effectual method is the method that will capitalise on pupil ‘s strengths †( 200, p. 87 ) . Noyes considers that â€Å" the multiple intelligences are a accelerator for distinction of direction in category †( 2010 ) . The Cooperative Learning groups activities address and congratulate all types of MI including the interpersonal ( single work ) , intrapersonal ( pair-share ) which are harder to make utilizing other direction theoretical accounts. In decision, scaffolding on David Noyes ‘ reply to the inquiry â€Å" How does cooperative larning benefit English scholars? †we have explained the important elements that makes concerted learning activities able and indicated for accomplishing the end of English linguistic communication proficiency. Concerted acquisition activities are designed as to diminish the affectional barrier while increasing the comprehensive input, the keeping degree is high, information coming from diverse beginnings with a high degree of hierarchal effectivity, monitored interaction /conversation and instructor ‘s illustrations utilizing formal/conversational linguistic communication easing academic linguistic communication acquisition, anterior cognition is activated and facilitates background edifice, multiple intelligences are approached through staging and differentiated direction.
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